Title: Filling In the Blanks
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Characters: Simmons, Grif
Prompt: 027. Parents.
Word Count: 126 words.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Simmons/Grif slash, as per my claim.
Simmons knows perfectly well what parents are supposed to do.
Parents are supposed to love you, take care of you, yell at you when you’ve screwed up, and be there for you, no matter what. It really pisses him off when he thinks about his father never being home, and his mother being sick all the time because of that.
Grif always says that he’s lucky he had parents at all. Simmons replies that he may as well not have had any, and just what did Grif know?
Grif got tired of hearing that after a while. So he showed Simmons what he knew.
Simmons later decided that since they were more or less orphans, they would have to fill in the blanks for each other.