Title: Please and Thank You
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Characters: Simmons, Grif
Prompt: Missing.
Word Count: 100 words.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Simmons/Grif slash, as per my claim. Another part to the Overload series! Speaking of....
In chronological order:
Shut DownSlow BurnAnd We All Fall DownPlease and Thank YouRebootWake *****
You could fool yourself into thinking that Grif was just sleeping.
Pacing like a caged tiger, Simmons watched the rise and fall of the man’s chest. Every time it went down, there was an awful stretch between then and next time it would rise.
Grif’s chest went down. Simmons stopped pacing, fear flooding him. What if Grif stopped breathing? What he simply gave up?
Breathe, he said silently. Breathe, you cockbite.
More pacing. That idiot, running out in the storm like that.
Simmons left. He didn’t want to watch his missing half struggle for every breath.