Title: Darkness in the Woods
jack_infinitudeFandom: NCIS
Characters: Anthony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee
Prompt: #005 within
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash.
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS.
What are…dreams?
Yes. Dreams.
They’re inside your head, silly.
I already know where they are. But I don’t know what they are.
Dreams can be anything. They can be what you want the most in all the world or they can be your worst nightmare.
But they’re not real.
Are you sure?
Of course I’m sure. At the end of the dream, you wake up. And then it’s gone forever.
Then why are we here?
You were my dream. And here I am, right in the middle of it. I’m awake, aren’t I?
Of course you are…
Dreams can be anything. They can be good or bad or fake or real.
What if my bad dreams come true?
Then achieve your good dreams, and make the bad dream vanish. And then it’ll be gone forever. Hey…
Was I your dream? Like you were mine?
Tony yawned and rolled his shoulders as the elevator shuddered to a stop. He muscled his way out of the pack and blearily made his way to his desk. He only grunted in response to Ziva’s address, and fell more than sat in his chair. A few thuds against the hard drive later, and his computer was booting up. He shut his eyes against the buzzing lights. Damn, it was this early and he was already off his game?
Doesn’t bode well, no sirree...
He cracked his jaw with another yawn. He’d missed his coffee this morning, that was his problem. Had Probie shown up yet? He needed to get coffee for everyone, even if it was Ziva’s turn today.
“You don’t look too good.”
“Get me coffee,” Tony said without looking up.
“It’s Ziva’s turn.”
“You’re already up, McLazy.”
McGee let out that impatient little huff that always made Tony grin no matter how awful he felt. This time was no exception.
“You’re lucky I know you so well. You’re late today, you know that?” Tony listened closely as a travel cup landed in front of him with a click. “I’ll go ahead and pretend that you said ‘thank you’ so we can all move on with our day.”
“Thank you, Tim,” Tony said in a sing-song voice, breathing in the scent of the coffee.
Was I your dream?
“Of course,” he mumbled.
Tim, who had been walking away, stopped and turned around. “What?”
Tony snapped his eyes open for the first time in quite a few minutes. “Didn’t you say...ask me something?”
“No, Tony, I didn’t ask anything.”
Was I your dream?
“Uh...right. Sorry. I didn’t sleep very well last night...”
“It shows.”
Like you were mine?