Okay People this is really pissing me off!!!
I really don't understand why some people have to ruin it for everyone! There are several stories out there that are awesome...yet recently the authors have deceided not to continue working on them because some stupid asshole has been rude to them about their work. It's sad really....cause now the rest of us won't be able to read the end of the stories! :( Why can't people just leave well enough alone.... note the warnings and such... if you don't like boy on boy action then don't read it! If you don't like Brother on Brother then don't read it! Why must they read it then bitch about it's content then ruin it for the rest of us?!?!?!?
Okay thats all my rant is over!
I only wish said authors....you know who you are might reconsider????? Pretty Please???? It is going to feel empty around here without your wonderful work! :)