Title: Murphy's Law
Summary: Life is interesting for the residents of the apartment building, even more so when you're not the ones blowing things up.
Category: AU, humor (kind of), character intro
Rating: PG (mild swearing)
Disclaimer: If any of this was mine, d'you think I'd be spending my time writing it? Didn't think so.
Notes: This is my first 'fic
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Comments 9
Striped toe-socks! I used have a pair of those. But then they got holes in them and I had to throw them out. It was a very sad day.
Murphy's Law is the number one law to live by in this building, especially with so many geeks so close together. Closely followed by Clarke's Law (all three of them).
"Crazy ass-freaky smart-explosion loving-loonies"--hee. That sounds like something Jack would grumble as he goes down to the basement to fix the lights again.
I have a pair of striped toe-socks as well. They're all summery and stuff.
I'm glad you're amused by that line. Now that I read it over, it does sound like something Jack would say.
Well done!
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