Wed, 08:37: RT @ SethGreen: RT @ SethMacFarlane: This debt ceiling has felt like a giant meteor headed toward us, except I understand what a meteor is.
Mon, 23:56: RT @ qikipedia: Any idiot can face a crisis; it is this day-to-day living that wears you out. ANTON CHEKHOV
Mon, 23:57: RT @ augalicious: So, @ johnboehner gets paid $233,500 by the taxpayer. He's worth approx. 5 million. Who does he really work for? Hint: i ...
Sat, 00:32: I am suddenly curious what Powers select the items sold as "groceries" in gas stations. the same everywhere... #fbhttp://t.
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Thu, 12:45: RT @ IansonState: Why did the #hipster burn his mouth eating pizza? He started eating it long before it was cool.
Thu, 19:17: Mental note, going forward, Self. - apple juice makes you sick.Always. No matter what flavor, or how cold. Always. Please remember this. #fb