Pokémon Roster/Inventory/Location

Jul 06, 2011 20:02

Current Location: Violet



Gardevoir F "Amaranth" - Lvl 41
Type: Psychic
Egg Group: Amorphous
Ability: Trace
Nature/Characteristic: Modest/Strong Willed
Moves Known: Growl, Shadow Sneak, Confusion, Teleport, Flash, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Psychic, Signal Beam, Imprison
His starter and partner; thanks to the effect of empathy, she does have her bouts of giddy silliness, but still manages to be more practical than her trainer, and is falling into a role as Jack's missing common sense and survival instincts. She's managing to get him adjusted to this whole "training and battling" thing, partly in a quest of her own to grow strong enough to be sure she can protect him and others. While she's very competent and intelligent, she's a bit shy of having attention called to her, and will fluster if she's suddenly given the spotlight without warning somehow. She's learned how to use the Gear better than her trainer did, and has definitely been one of those overly intelligent psychic types, including using empathy/psychic ability to communicate.

Jumpluff M "Dandelion" - lvl 26
Type: Grass/Flying
Egg Group: Fairy/Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature/Characteristic: Naive/Somewhat Vain
Moves Known: Splash, Synthesis, Tail Whip, Tackle, Poisonpowder, Sleep Powder, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Mega Drain
One of quite a few Hoppip Jack ran into on Route 29 that he stopped to feed and fluff at; Dandelion enjoyed the attention, and followed him, getting adopted into camp and named as just a matter of course. He wasn't technically "caught" in the normal sense of using a Pokéball until after Jack reached Cherrygrove, and the nurses at the Center he worked at discovered that he really didn't have a clue what went into "catching" a Pokémon. Dandelion is eternally happy and cheerful, hard to upset, and quick to forget whatever was bothering him and bounce on merrily to the next thing; honestly, not all of the lights are on upstairs, and he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Evolved on 8/23 in Violet, then again on 9/17 in ...Violet.

Lopunny F "Alice" - lvl 28
Type: Normal
Egg Group: Field/Human-Like
Ability: Run Away
Nature/Characteristic: Jolly/Quick Tempered
Moves Known: Splash, Pound, Defense Curl, Foresight, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Endure, Frustration, Quick Attack, Jump Kick, Baton Pass
Bought from John and Rose on 7/12, received on 7/15, hatched on 7/20. Jack already has "fussing over" down pat for pretty much all of his pokémon, and has ended up with a very affectionate bunny that adores her trainer, loves going out and playing, and seeing new things, usually gifted with a sunny and cheerful disposition... Who also happens to be very protective of him, prone to bouts of Tsun at things that get in her way, and more than happy to introduce attackers and Problems to a Fire Punch or a Thunder Punch.
...In short, she's probably living up to her name.

Togetic M "Snowdrop" - lvl 22
Type: Normal/Flying
Egg Group: Flying/Fairy
Nature/Characteristic: Brave/Mischievous
Moves Known: Mirror Move, Growl, Charm, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Yawn, Encore, Signal Beam
Hatched from an egg he got from Kisa Sohma. Snowdrop is high energy and manages to keep Jack on his toes - while he's not exactly aggressive, he does tend to poke into everything and anything, and is very curious and prone to getting into things.

Gastly M "Heliotrope" - lvl 19
Type: Ghost/Poison
Egg Group: Amorphous
Ability: Levitate
Nature/Characteristic: Mild/Highly Curious
Moves Known: Hypnosis, Lick, Spite, Mean Look, Curse, Night Shade, Icy Wind, Confuse Ray
Caught in Sprout Tower on 8/20 while Jack was exploring; thanks to the Gastly trying to puff itself up to look bigger and scare off the silly human, Jack first mistook it for Humpty Dumpty in the dark - at which point the Gastly was promptly tag-teamed by Alice and Amaranth. Slightly less full of pranks than many Gastly, Heliotrope's more on the mild-tempered side, being one of the ones that used to guard Sprout Tower; this doesn't mean he won't terrorize people occasionally or pull pranks, but the pranks tend to be less chaotic and more pointed or boredom.

Swablu M "Wisteria" - lvl 13
Type: Normal/Flying
Egg Group: Flying, Dragon
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature/Characteristic: Modest/Somewhat Stubborn
Moves Known: Agility, Peck, Growl, Astonish, Sing, Fury Attack
Acquired from Mytho around 8/16. It's a good thing Jack's generally fairly neat; while good-natured and generally pretty quiet, Wisteria's got a definite OCD streak and will fuss at ANYTHING that seems out of place.

Standard start inventory (besides the Bento)
Small kit of tools (for fine work with pocketwatches, musicboxes, etc.)
Deck of cards
a few red silk roses

Pokémon, ooc info, inventory

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