Happy Birthday, Maureen!

Apr 18, 2010 20:26

It's still only the 18th here, but whatever! Sorry I've been holding off on you all, but unfortunately last week my art teacher collected our sketchbooks for an assignment, but I've had these pretty much done, so without further ado...

Jon Walker!!

Nick Murray!!

Andy Soukal!!

Happy Birthday, Maureen! I really hope you like these!

My sister has been... really mean to me today, and I don't understand why :( I was just looking for her camera `cause I lost mine a while ago and she's all exasperated for NO REASON, the camera was right next to her yet she said she put it upstairs and was like 'where did yours go, you should find it'. Which, hello, I DID, but I never found it, and I don't have any other way to post my stuff on the net without her camera (which she originally encouraged me to do, btw. Not having a scanner any more sucks balls). Then, later, when I came back to get the USB cord to transfer the files onto the computer she's all like 'ugh, what' and... god. She also promised we would go out for coffee today since she skimped out on me last night, but she just left. Probably to get coffee for herself. I don't know, but, it just hurts so much when the person you trust the most in the world let's you down.

Okay, if there is one person of the entire planet I respect no matter what and never backtalk, it is my sister. I trust her the most, I respect her even more than my parents, and I love her, so, so much. But when she acts like a bitch to me, I have no idea how to react, because once I say something everything is entirely my fault, because to her, what she says is law. She always has to be right. So I just bear it and don't say anything, and it eventually gets better, but then it happens again and it SUCKS.


"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world of ours - not even our troubles." ~ Charlie Chaplin

Anyway, getting away from that, I got a present the other week from a really good friend!

It was such a complete surprise, he even got me a lollipop, a big one, and wrapped everything in comic strips and put it in a pink gift bag. It was so sweet, omg. I got him a big box of Belgium chocolates which he initially didn't think was necessary, but he's not one of the most well off kids I know, he works hard for his money, so getting me all that must have cost a lot for him, so chocolates were the least I could do. I also drew him a narwhal, so he accepted my gift of gratitude :)

Here are some sketches I did :D

We have a tree outside our school that blooms incredibly beautiful pink flowers, so I took this as and opportunity to use my ~*brand new*~ red and black pilot pens.

English class. Funny story about this particular class. We all had to write a funny story that happened to us, and I wrote mine the period before it was due, but I did it this sketchbook. After I read my story aloud, I had some space on the second page and started drawing my classmates, but after everyone read their stories, my teacher told us to pass them up and I was all like "Oh Shit." So I wrote my names on both papers and passed them up, drawings and all, and the guy in front of me was like "You're not handing your drawings in are you... Who are those people?" and I said something like "I don't seem to have a choice now do I?" and didn't tell him who the people were. The real kicker though was that he turned the paper over and showed the rest of the class my drawings, and everyone just laughed a bit. I hope I get extra credit for those drawings, lol

This one was done in my Spanish class. This one also has a funny story, because the girl I was drawing kept looking up but we'd both look back down when we caught each other's eyes. Turns out she was drawing me as I was drawing her. It was kind of hilarious, and when I showed her my picture she said "God, at least what you draw looks like something". I have to say her drawings are good though, they're really funny.

Hand study!

On an unrelated note, I cannot wait for Tuesday. Glee's Madonna episode, guys! Kurt finally gets to sing!

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pic dump, the young veins, art

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