So I made a plant sim with my cheating fingers (since I can't seem to get Tatsuo turned into a plant no matter how much chemical warfare he does on the yard)
This was Sean before he folliated. :) He was pretty cute, but after a while I became bored with his normalcy. (I'm pathetic, aren't I)
This is Sean's son, Conner. (I didn't have the heart to plantify him, he's just too cute. Maybe I'll give him elfy ears and strange tattoos. :p )
And because of tradition, I had to make Snape, at some point, because I love him and he deserves a place to live after Deathly Hallows. (He lives in the House of Fallen Trees) I didn't plan on him falling for Sean and getting along well with Conner but he was one of the initial family greeters and they hit it off splendidly!
As you can see, he loves this family. This is rather ironic since they're kind of Weasley-esque.
Well, after his initial visit, I turned Sean into a plant (Should have named him Phil O'dendren)
I approve... :D All that lovely vine work. Sooo artsy nouveux!
Furthermore, SNAPE approves.. after he was plant-ized, Snape just blew hearts for him everywhere. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's the red hair and pollen. (As I told a friend of mine.*insert immaturity here* "Well he IS the potion master, perhaps he wants to extract a little pollen for his potions. ;")
At any rate, after snogging with Snape for a while, Sean and Conner left for school and work... and it rained.... and lightning-inged... (is that a word?) and well, it struck a plant outside, stopped raining, but the fire kept right on burning. It caught the plants on the lawn on fire, it caught Conner's homework on fire (he hadn't finished it) It caught the BILLS on fire (I don't even know how this is going to work since it burned them into little ashes), it caught the decorative rocks on fire, it burned their telescope to the ground, it caught another plant on fire, etc etc..
A neighbor ran by, caught witness of the un-ending, spreading wildfire and well...
Fire clean up on aisle three! Foolish sims never learn to not play with fire...
(I am going to try to ressurect her if I can get my Ball Joint Doll boy to that level of paranormal. :( Poor unfortunate simmie.) I couldn't help her since the fire was running wild for hours and hours with the build/buy mode blacked out.
Conner came home, finally, and it was still burning and rushed into the house to call the fireman but caught on fire himself. I ALMOST lost him but the fireman arrived in time to put him out and the fire outside.
So the moral of all of this? Put a fire alarm outside. X) and... Snape likes redheads... even if he gets to be TEH GEHY :)