Here is my reaction post; WITHOUT the "Sam is my hero" kool-aid so if you're his biggest fan, you may want to pass this one up.
Oh look. Sam's been possessed by an angel. Isn't that clev-- wait. What. The. Fu--! ANGEL? SAM!? ARE. YOU. KIDDING ME?!?!!?!?
So. Let me get this straight. Everything that we (Dean girls) wanted to see, nay, EXPECTED to see with regard to the whole Dean and Michael BS, you know, that false hope we were fed in ... season 4? I don't even know any more. I can't think straight. I just can't.
So this BS with Michael that we NEVER got with Dean, regardless that he was special and a vessel and a righteous man, and for what!??!!? It's going to go to Sam now????
You know what Supernatural show runner, and long time producers who SHOULD KNOW BETTER because you've been there the longest and you've screwed Jensen and his fans over like for the last 8 years, this one is for you:
Well, thank God Sleepy Hollow is a good show, and we have Almost Human coming out on November 4th because, seriously. Just... there aren't enough middle fingers to give Singer and company that properly equate for how I feel.
My 15 year old, once it was over said, "So. It's all about Sam. Again." I nodded. "Yup. But then, they didn't have enough stones to keep Dean in Purgatory for more than a few eps so I dunno, maybe they won't have enough to keep Sam possessed. But then, this is their golden boy Sam Winchester and now, Dean can pray to him. How very nauseating."