Yeyy, it worked :)
A is for age:
B is for booze of choice:
C is for career:
D is for your dad's name:
andres (Y)
E is for essential items to bring to a party:
booze, duh.
F for favourite song at the moment:
"i'm yours" - jazon mraz
G is for favourite game:
H is for home town:
sydney bby.
I is for instruments you play:
pfft, 0
J is for jam or jelly you like:
K is for kids:
none yet.
L is for living arrangements:
M is for mother's name:
haha, very spanish ..
N is for name of your crush:
a.n.d.r.e.w. ... maybe? :)
O is for overnight hospital stays:
P is for phobias:
never falling in love.
Q is for quotes you like:
"don't worry be happy"
oh, and "always look on the bright side of life"
R is for relationship that lasted the longest:
3 months,
S is for style:
very very very weird.
T is for time you wake up:
U is for underwear:
random every day.
V is for vegetables you love:
carrot <33
W is for weekend plans:
visiting uni's, going movies..
X is for x-rays you've had:
Teeth, ankle, knee, toe...
Y is for yummy food you make:
salad, mac&cheese (never make it anymore), lentil soup.
Z is for zodiac sign: