The Trace of Spring

Mar 18, 2009 17:12

 I am happy. I can finally open the windows in my room without activating the heater or freezing myself.

At least, my room no longer smells weird because my windows are closed the entire winter, or smell kinda sick, actually.  And this smell also reminds me of D.N.Angel. Extremely random. xD It's probably because I first watched the anime 3-4 years back around April/May-ish. I still remember! xD (Yea.. my most vivid memory of the show is that, once I was marathon-ing it. Afterwards, I went into the washroom to take a nice, cold bath. Looked into the bathtub and there is this bug that is like the miniature version of the Madagascar Cockroach >_>)

I am catching up on calculus during March Break.. Fun... But Hasserjian cannot teach this chapter! ^^"

And I also finally got started on Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. lol That took me forever to start.

I also am about halfway through My Boss My Hero. The drama is unexpectedly good. Sometimes it makes me cringe in embarrassment but more often than not I find myself laughing.

Aisha... It feels like Spring now even though it isn't Spring officially until friday. Ah well... My playlist and mood have already decided to go to Spring. I love Spring. xD

I will probably take my words back once bugs start appearing all over the place. But I really can't complain about this weather after winter.

This saturday, I also went to watch James at the Emerald City Singing Contest, something like that. But after last year with him in New Talent, this competition pales in comparison and a lot of people who showed up to support him at New Talent didn't come to see this show.

James is still James, though. Sounding awesome as always. But his image doesn't fit with the sponsor because the contest is being sponsored by some apartment builder. He's probably too young for it. In the end, he was tied for third place with two other dudes, but they decided to pick only one of them for the price. And they didn't pick James. T.T

James, Ganbatte! I hope you can achieve your dreams. You totally should have won. And I am sorry for failing miserably and absolutely at recording your sparkly moments on stage. But I think Jamie has a better version, and that silver jacket you wore at both this contest and New Talent will be one of the few things I remember forever. 8D

For any of you who read this and actually care, I just ordered two magazines. Hopefully, they will arrive soon and I will go pick them up. I ordered GYAO April 2009 (because Miuchan looks good in it) and BiDan April 2009 (because it's been a while since Shoonie last look THIS hot, scratch that, any pictures and videos of Shoon as Mercutio was <3).

Can you tell I am a fangirl? xD

Wow, I typed more than I expected. And as you see in the Music section, this took me quite a while too. There are actually a few songs that I didn't put in either, because there aren't more space left in the textbook for Music. I am ACTUALLY Maxed out ><

Music + Spring makes me really happy xD

Note to self: I tagged this as special because today is one of those randomly completely normal days when I am happy because of completely random and simple things. xD

personal, special

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