Title: The Twilight Zone
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
jackiejlhRating: PG
Character(s): Andrea Sachs, Miranda Priestly, Caroline, Cassidy, Emily Charlton
Pairing(s): Miranda/Andy
Warning(s): None.
Summary: Why being early isn't always a good thing. | Written for the
dvlwears_prada community ABC challenge prompt of 'Zone'.
The Book was handed to Emily at seven p.m., about four hours earlier than normal. She happily gathered up her things and called Roy.
She let herself through the front door of Miranda's home just twenty minutes later, and stepped into what she was fairly certain was the Twilight Zone. First of all, she heard laughter. Miranda’s laughter. And the twins. And… someone else.
Then the strange voice shouted out, “You brats! I’ll get you!” Emily barely heard the shrieks of laughter that followed. She recognized that voice. But… but it couldn’t be.
The Twilight Zone theory was firmly cemented by two flour-covered girls racing into the hallway, followed closely by an equally-powdered Andrea Sachs. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, Miranda (looking immaculate, as always) walked around the corner carrying a bowl of flour, which she proceeded to dump over Andrea’s head.
Suddenly they all seemed to see Emily standing there, and they all froze, staring at her.
“Um… hi, Em,” Andrea said finally, waving and sending clouds of flour into the air.
“I… the Book. Here,” Emily stuttered, setting it down on the table and hurrying out the door. She got halfway down the steps before she realized that she still had Miranda’s dry cleaning in her hand. She turned back towards the door, but before she got there, Miranda had opened it and was holding out her hand. Emily couldn’t help but stare at the one streak of flour on her cheek.