For those who want to know why I'm not here...
I have come to the conclusion that this computer, LJ, Myspace, The Fuselage... while I love these places they have consumed my every spare hour and I have not worked on my artwork in quite a while. I really wanted to have 20 paintings by the end of this yr.. eh hem... I'm no where near that!!! I have 2 months to get working on some new paintings, find a photographer to make my artwork look amazing and apply to one or more Universities ;)!!
So with that said... I will not be online much for "TIME UNKNOWN". I will be listening in on Lost-Radio... while I paint on Thursdays! I will check emails once in the mornings just in case of an emergency!! BUT IF I CAN RESIST I will be able to get some much needed work done for my portfolio! wee hoo... wish me luck!! I WILL really miss all of you new and old friends alike!! I just know this HAS TO BE DONE in order to really grind that brush into the canvas!
I think this will be a wonderful thing!