(no subject)

May 24, 2005 18:19

posting poems and partials of poems...

Fighting against the tears all this day

Not knowing how to resolve it

Just looking for any possible way

To get escape all this mess

Trying to remember how it started

Trying to figure out if it's all just a test

A steady constant pounding

On the heart, soul, and very being

Relentless pressure from the surrounding

music is my life
my love, my passion
nothing less
i live by music
music is me
brings me life
brings happiness
it is my very joy
it rains over me with calmness
when i'm about to destroy
there for me
when no one else is

get out
there's nothing left in here
get out
there's nothing left to fear
get out
there's no love left in here
get out of my heart

i loved you once
it's true
i cared for you once
and i still do
but i can't deal with this
being with you

get out....

i used to love you
i used to care
i used to watch you
as you stood there
glancing around
twirling your hair

we used to make the perfect couple
or that's what people thought
i put in everything
i gave it all i got
i thought our love was true
and it was your lies i bought

get out
i don't want you anymore
get out
i can't take this much more
get out
it's my heart you tore
into pieces
get out of my life

The dreaming from the night of last

Was so marvelous at the time

That I wish of it no end at all

Wonderful thoughts of yesterday

Returning to their original form

Taking their place in the life of today

My ex-girlfriend kissing me again

I’m wrapped tightly in her arms once again

Joking, playing, and laughing all return

Passing notes, talking on the phone for hours

Happy and passionate like the good times used to be

After all the fights we finally found forgiveness

Traveling through tunnels of a maze with caverns

Twists and turns every where little coves to retreat

I am a male

But I am different

Born with two special letters

Preceding my gender

I am a man

But I am different

Titled with two special letters

In front of my title

I am a he

But I am different

With slightly altered features

That I carry with me

I am a female

Says the doctor’s assessment

My physical appearance

Since the day I was born

I am a woman

By genetic design

Physical says woman

Emotionally and mentally man

I am a she

A single he trapped within the she

One day he’ll escape from with in

Cross dress will have to do ‘til then

Mistaken for the opposite

Worry not for me

Gasping as I walk in the ladies’ room

Worry not for me

I am a very confused individual

Worry not for me

I have the mentality of a man, but body of a woman.

Worry not for me

I am lost in today’s world

Worry not for me

I do not know what tomorrow brings

Worry not for me

Those who question my gender

Worry for them

Those who call me names

Worry for them

Those who poke at me

Worry for them

Those who think they know all

Worry for them

Those who laugh at me

Worry for them

Those who spread the rumors

Worry for them

Those who tell me it’s wrong

Worry for them

Those who try to change me

Worry for them

Those who hate me for who I am

Worry for them

this is all i have for now...i'll post more later
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