Name: Seamus Zelazny Harper
Age: 24
Height: 5’6’’ (and scrawny looking)
Eyes: blue
Hair: dirty-blonde
Medical info: His immune system is “dodgy at best.” He’s very prone to viruses and infections because of it. He’s really the only member of the crew seen to contract viruses at all. Also susceptible to radiation (near death way before the rest of the crew even starts feeling the effects). That said, as far as injury and pain goes he’s pretty good at dealing. More through sheer willpower than anything else.
Physical traits: Looks scrawny and small, in spite of a normal height. Has a tattoo of a yin-yang on his left shoulder and a roundish metal “disk” at the base of his skull on the right side, just below the ear. Said disk is a data-port which allows him to directly interface with computers and electrical systems. It likely has mechanical components that jack directly into his nervous system/brain.
What's okay to mention: Pretty much anything but being fictional. Some bits of his past (and the series) he won’t take well to being mentioned (such as Brendan, his family and childhood, Nietzschean slavery) in a personal way but those aren’t off limits. (but do be careful)
Notes for the psychics: Harper is a genius with an ego the size of, well, something really big. He’s incredibly smart and creative and damn good with anything electronic/mechanical, almost instinctively. Very hungry for knowledge as well. He’s also pretty manic, thoughts bouncing all over the place. His childhood sucked so very, very hard and he carries the mental scars from it. He’s also. . . not very good at the whole “morals” thing even when he’s playing the part outwardly. Stealing, murder, genocide? Perfectly fine with him, if he believes it’s warranted. Not that he doesn’t have a conscience but it’s been pretty suppressed by his childhood. On the flip side he’s incredibly loyal to his friends and if it doesn’t cause problems for them, or him, perfectly happy to help people out.
Abilities: Physically he’s a normal human, possibly slightly sub-par on the raw strength side of things (but he is small, quick, and fights pretty dirty so he gets away with it). He’s creative with finding and using weapons (his tools? make deadly weapons in his hands) and a pretty good shot with guns and/or a Force Lance. Decent pilot as well. But he really shines as an engineer. If he has the specs he boasts that he can build it, and he can. And if he has/can find/make the parts he can fix or upgrade it if it’s broken, even if he hasn’t seen it before. And he (helps) invents and/or accomplishes several amazing scientific feats during the series (teleportation and time travel? done. Tessaracts? done etc). Damn good programmer/hacker too. And he’s a good planner and tactician.
Shape-shifting/bodyswap/etc.: Sure, just contact me first so we can sort out OOC stuff!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent contact: If you’re female, bring it all on, baby~ Guys, uh, might not want to go for more than casual contact.
Fighting: Harper doesn’t fight unless he has to but when he does he fights fast, hard, and dirty.
Killing/maiming: Contact me first on both counts, but if I reply to a post where there's warnings I'm okay with it unless I say otherwise. Minor injuries are always fine, however.
Cooking: Given that he grew up in a refugee camp he’s probably very good at scrounging and making just about anything that is (or used to be) potentially a food edible. No gourmet chef here, though. But he can also apparently brew beer, however, so it can be assumed that he’s decent at the “follow the instructions” kind of cooking.