
Nov 06, 2007 12:56

I'm a geek. I can live with that ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

wiccagirl24 November 6 2007, 16:01:09 UTC
I love that gave. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to think that my pointless time wasting actually helps people.

Sempiternity. Makes me think of Gibbs (probably because of Semper Fi) Gibbs and Abby will be together for sempiternity.


jackmaybenimble November 6 2007, 16:26:56 UTC
Giving and helping at the same time! Its a win win situation!

OH MY GOOD LORD. You are so right. Gibbs and Abby ARE sempiternity. I am SO making an icon from that when I get home!!!!!


wiccagirl24 November 6 2007, 16:35:49 UTC
If i were into nameing ships that would be a perfect one for Gibbs/Abby


altitudeandwine November 6 2007, 16:54:59 UTC
Point One indeed.
*pets geek*


jackmaybenimble November 6 2007, 22:13:27 UTC
*takes affection anywhich way she can*


altitudeandwine November 7 2007, 09:27:50 UTC


imaginary_iby November 7 2007, 01:56:07 UTC
Semper Fi! How bad is it that I learn all my Latin from television shows?


jackmaybenimble November 7 2007, 09:39:25 UTC
Ha! I've probably learned more Latin from TV than when I was at school. And even though I've got about 6 different requiems memorised in my head, I don't actually know what I'm singing....


nyc_iby November 7 2007, 02:33:50 UTC
Oh, and here's the Gibbs/Abby picture. I'm not that great at graphics, but...



jackmaybenimble November 7 2007, 09:41:46 UTC
OMG!!!! You made me a thing!! And it's a beautiful thing!!!! A thing of happiness and foreverness and I heart you!

(And I need to work out how to incorporate it into my journal. Which is far more important than proofing the Florida & Caribbean brochure on my desk...)


imaginary_iby November 8 2007, 07:07:32 UTC
That's alright, my dear. I thought to myself, gee, it's been a while since I've spoken to you, so I'll make you something. Yeah, I'm totally buying your affection. No, no! I jest, I jest! If you'd like me to alter anything, just give me a yell. I don't mind!

I've never worked with this journal layout, so I'm not too sure. Hop over to howto or s2howto, that should help.


jackmaybenimble November 9 2007, 00:10:12 UTC
It has. I've been quite, mostly, what with one thing and another. I'm cheap! I've put it on the profile page cos it wont go into the journal, though I may well go for a new one as incentive. And I'm going to icon it too. *kisses*
Plus, you get payback. Not sure when (though by the sounds of things Requiem may inspire me!) but I assume some Gibbs Abby would make you happy? Or anything else?


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