My Computer Works!

Nov 23, 2004 21:52

Sorry ya'll for not updating forever. My computer was being so dumb and the internet was not working. Then we decided to put the modem back in and use dial-up and that was even working. My dad finally fixed it. He had to wipe out the system. So I must re-install aim. Anyway ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

xxundomexx November 23 2004, 21:12:50 UTC
I love you Jackie! Keep up the good work! I don't even see you anymore! You're always so busy! I'm so sorry hun! Christmastree already? That's kinda awkward! Lol well See ya tomorrow! I love you! XOXOX <3333



jacksbeanstalk November 24 2004, 12:18:24 UTC
Ya man. It's so cool looking, even though it's fake!


gf_croc_hunter November 23 2004, 21:56:55 UTC
Merry Turkey Day Eve-Eve!!! Glad to see you are back online, JACKIE! Missed YA!!!!!


jacksbeanstalk November 24 2004, 12:18:54 UTC
Yup yup I missed you too!


(The comment has been removed)

jacksbeanstalk November 24 2004, 12:19:27 UTC
Dec 9 and I better see you there.


leener_weiner November 24 2004, 17:32:43 UTC
congratulations for having an A in a dupke CLASS! esp since govt is harder than econ. damn i have a B. and wtf BIO!!!! ahh

on a happier note, enjoy your thanksgiving!! =D


jacksbeanstalk November 25 2004, 10:14:32 UTC
Great icon! Yes bio is the devil lol. Have a happy thanksgiving! Oh and eat lots of turkey!


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