Double Dare Gary is a Shoo-in glacialforceJuly 16 2013, 06:01:14 UTC
Seriously, Double Dare Gary will take the gold, silver and bronze. This contest will have some sick pics to say the least, can't wait to see them.
On another note, I love all the shirts! Stylish awesome designs! And after the printing ink & dust has settled and all the shirts have been delivered, it pains me to say this and I wouldn't blame you if you stopped reading now, but I would like to pitch an idea for a shirt.
Now I work an honest regular cube job at the moment and they require at the minimum a polo to meet the dress code. Will there ever be a day where we can purchase a polo with the Venture logo? Because I would love nothing more then to waltz into work sporting some sexy business casual Venture flair. If not then I guess I'll just have to enjoy rotating these stunning 10 shirts for casual Friday!
Love what you do and I really appreciate it. Never take any of those negative internet people seriously, they're just a bunch of Dermott's. Such a great, beautifully well detailed show.
Re: Double Dare Gary is a Shoo-in glacialforceJuly 18 2013, 08:15:40 UTC
That's a good one too! I shall buy either or both. I don't understand the complexities involved in the shirt making biz, but I imagine polo's might have a crappy profit margin, small audience, and/or too expensive to make. Regardless, the thought of getting away with a work shirt that looks like its an up-and-coming brand name but is cleverly disguised as Venture attire makes me happy.
Never realized how much influence Gary must have gotten from Rob Liefeld on his revamped 21 outfit. What could he possibly be keeping in all those pouches?
Dude, with my pregnant belly and pregnancy-fat arms (seriously the only part that gets noticeably bigger besides the belly. Why?) I could totally pull off 21! Too bad I'm stuck in New Mexico and have absolutely zero chance of attending Comic-Con. :(
I am interrupting my candlelit vigil for Dr. Venture to also go off-topic on this thread. I want to say thank you to you (or to whomever does these things) for making season 5 available already on UK i-Tunes. Saves me having to send hundreds of pleading emails to Adult Swim encrusted with the salt of my British tears. I shall now return to my prayers for Rusty. I thank you.
Comments 26
On another note, I love all the shirts! Stylish awesome designs! And after the printing ink & dust has settled and all the shirts have been delivered, it pains me to say this and I wouldn't blame you if you stopped reading now, but I would like to pitch an idea for a shirt.
Now I work an honest regular cube job at the moment and they require at the minimum a polo to meet the dress code. Will there ever be a day where we can purchase a polo with the Venture logo? Because I would love nothing more then to waltz into work sporting some sexy business casual Venture flair. If not then I guess I'll just have to enjoy rotating these stunning 10 shirts for casual Friday!
Love what you do and I really appreciate it. Never take any of those negative internet people seriously, they're just a bunch of Dermott's. Such a great, beautifully well detailed show.
GO team Venture!
I have more of a Henchmen #24 body :P
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