Guys, I can borrow stuff from the comic shop. My life is friggin' complete.
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1: Awesomer than I expected! Guy's wonderfully creative with his ring constructs, and the twist at the end is nicely done. And now he can join Max as a strangely sexy bleeder. And Guy Gardner Lewis & Clarkin' his way across the universe? YES PLEASE.
Secret Six #25: Continues to be my favorite book out now, probably. And Floyd is such a sweetie when he's not being a sociopath. ♥ That's not often, mind. Also next issue has BANE RIDING A DINOSAUR.
Stumptown #4: YAY STUMPTOWN'S BACK AGAIN \o/ Haven't actually read it yet, as I have to reread the others. But I'm sure it's awesome and Rucka-y.
Taskmaster #1: MY MARVEL BOYFRIEND HAS A MINI. ♥ And it is pretty awesome, as Tasky is just kind of irritated at having every evil mook ever after him. Also it contains the exclamation "Death!! By!! Science!!", which should really be included in everything.
One itsy-bitsy minor nitpick, though: since when does Taskmaster just hang out in a friggin' diner without his mask on?! The whole never ever revealing his identity thing is not only a major part of his character, but a major part of the meta of his character. Unless I missed something major since Agent X, which I very well might have. Except that Moon Knight thing that was stupid.
The Unwritten: If you enjoyed Sandman, go out and pick this up right now. It's basically the Sandman crossed with Harry Potter no, not Books of Magic: the author of an incredibly popular series about a boy wizard disappears, leaving his son to figure out exactly what his connection is with the protagonist who shares his name. And weird shit starts happening. And it's about the power of stories, which should be included in everything along with Death By Science.