Player Information
Name: Maria
Other characters played: N/A
Character Information
Name: Jacoby Shaddix / Charis
LJ screen name:
jacobythespazAIM screen name: jacobyinyourmind
Series: Bandom: Papa Roach
Requested Character: No
Gender: Male
Age: 28 / Ancient
Species: Greek deity (Energy)
Side: Good, but has evil tendencies. Tends to walk his own line.
Powers/Advantages: He can control energy and movement of objects, and also create different forms of energy, such as light, sound, and heat. He can separate molecules and fuse them, though he cannot destroy them. When preforming very powerful tasks, he temporarally changes into a concentrated energy form. He thrives in warm, bright places and has an intense passion for music and other things where his energies are moving together gracefully.
Weaknesses/Disadvantages: He is physically as weak as his human form and quite vulnerable. It also takes a lot of energy for him to do anything super distructive, so afterwards it would take a long time for him to recover. His emotions are linked to his powers, so if he becomes really angry or upset, accidents can happen. His personality tends to be quite hyper, and it is sometimes hard for him to concentrate on one thing. He is weakened in very cold enviornments and is very sensitive to temperature changes in the molecules around him. If it is cold enough, below the point of freezing, he can actually become incappable of moving until he is moved out of that enviornment, being permanently paralized and weak.
City Life
Occupation: Owns and runs a night club/bar called "The Wall" which brings in lots of local musical artists to play as well as hosts raves and various themed nights.
Residing Quadrant: Down town/South
RP Sample: Jacoby bit on his bottom lip, shuddering at his own thoughts of what he wanted to do to the other, how badly he wanted to knock that arrogance right the fuck out of him and make him suffer for it. Jacoby moved up for a moment before he jumped down from his top bunk, standing before Pete and staring at him again. "I'm not very tired at all. In fact, I've got a shitload of pent up energy just waiting to be used up." He said in an eriely happy, almost jolly tone. Jacoby suddenly grabbed hold of Pete's arm and hair, dragging him out of the bed by it and flinging him onto the ground. Jacoby was on him in a second, using his weight and his brute strength from working out all the time to hold him down, his teeth sinking into Pete's neck immedietly, breaking skin as an animalistic growl came from him. His hands gripped at Pete's arms, nails digging into the skin again and leaving long scratch marks.
Brief History: Charis was born thousands of years ago on Mt. Olympus to his mother, a goddess of light who had always devoted herself to be pure and good, and his father, a god of fire who had been born into the ways of evil. Much like his personality, his parent's short-term infatuation with each other was full of passion and energy, both being drawn to the forbidden romance. After Charis was born, things were too difficult for the couple to stay together, and it was agreed he would stay with his mother.
Charis grew up around the other gods, though he tended to be the odd one out in a lot of things. Jacoby never fit into the atmosphere of Mt. Olympus because of his confusing urges to be both good and bad, a conflict he would struggle with for the rest of eternity. His appearance was always unkept and wild because of his overwhelming urges to never sit still for anything. He was a kid that was always on the go or always had something to talk about, which could be both endearing and very irritating. Charis never tried to learn how to control his powers as a kid, he never had the paitence to do so. When he'd throw tantrums, the whole place would crumble and objects would be strewn about. When he'd become sad, objects would hover very close to him or sometimes be ripped apart.
It wasn't until he hit adolesence that Charis finally decided to get a hold on his powers and learn how to control them. It was at this time that he realized exactly what he could do. He still made a lot of mistakes, and a lot of the gods wondered why his mother had named him Charis, the greek word for grace. Once he was in his element though, Charis could move himself and other things with such elegance and fluidity it could bring tears.
His evil side, given to him by his father, still lived in his mind and made him do horrible things. Charis grew to have a facination with blood and violence, finding a strange beauty in it dispite his efforts to be good. At times, he'd feel so pent up from trying to hold back on these urges that his energy would drive him to do even worse things then he would of done. He tried to hide these acts from the other gods, though that was nearly impossible. Punishments were never effective in the long term as those urges always found a way to brew inside him again.
He lived with the gods for many years after that, though eventually they were fed up of dealing with him. Jacoby had become more of a burden then one of them. He could not be trusted with his twisted beliefs of good and evil, and the other god's sympathy for him had run out. While his mother was devestated, Charis took the alienation with grace and left, making his way to Earth to figure out where he truly belonged.
He blended somewhat into the human race, learning how to walk and talk like them and to live their different lifestyle. He took up the name Jacoby Shaddix, wanting something unique to go by that would be memorable without being too strange. His eyes are a deep, intense blue that seem to be too bright to be human, always holding a curious twinkle in them as well. His sensitivity to the temperature changes on Earth also make him seem strange, and he never did seem to get rid of that wild appearance. His hair is black and stuck up at all different angles, his body bright and covered in colorful tattoos. He opened a bar/night club simply called "The Wall" so he could enjoy his intense passion for music, bright lights, and such. It is relaxing to him to enjoy his powers as they worked in harmony with each other, such as music with sound, light shows with light, and dancing with movement.
Play By:
Jacoby Shaddix