If you did not check my twitter I have announced that I'm retired from writing because of all the things I must accomplish. So if anything, this might be my final fic.
Unfortunately, the person that took Sadist had ran away from her responsibilities and I tried to get the file from her to finish it myself, but I don't know she is not responding. If she does reply, I'll give you guys that as a treat.
But moving on, please enjoy this fic.
Chapter 2, the writing style changes dramatically because I have experimented with it. My plan is to stretch this out to 5 chapters, but we shall see.
Also, if you haven't read the other Implied Consent fic, it is actually connected to this one. Well, it will be eventually.
But for now, please enjoy the prologue.
Expired Film
“Umm is your bag heavy?” Taeyeon said again after eyeing her luggage.
“My…Korean is very…bad.” She said to her which made Taeyeon slightly more speculative. Then she started speaking in English. “I’m Stephanie but call me Tiffany.”
“Ti-ppa-ni?” Taeyeon asked as she tried to word it out.
“No, Tiffany.”
“Where are you from?” Taeyeon tried to ask with her limited English.
“I’m from California.” Tiffany smiled to her again while dragging her luggage to the room.
“You like Ella Fitzgerald?” Tiffany asked her which caused her to look back at the taller girl.
“I like Jazz.” She grinned. “Ella Fitzgerald is my favorite.”
“I like her too.”
“I want to sing that song.” She pointed to the record player.
“Ooh. I can teach you sometime.”
“What is this?” She lifted a pale looking piece of processed meat.
“Fishcake. You’ve never had it?” Taeyeon said while chewing on her meal portion.
“Uhh…I never really liked it.”
“Oh.” Taeyeon uncaringly replied and went back to her food. “Tomorrow, let’s go grocery shopping and you can pick the food you want.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“Leaving?” Taeyeon crossed her arms and rested her back on the couch. She tilted her head to look at Tiffany who was putting on high heels.
Tiffany flashed her eyesmile that caused Taeyeon to chuckle.
“You’ll miss me?”
I am gravely sorry for my inability to finish all my planned fics, but perhaps one day. Right now, my priority is just to get into grad school, and writing while keeping up with coursework and whatnot seems to be really impossible. Thank you for all the support and really, it was fun while it lasted.
But do keep in mind that a comeback is certainly not impossible.
Any questions, formspring me. Announcements / if you want to communicate my twitter is
http://twitter.com/gojacqgo I won't be updating this as fast as I usually do because this time the chapters are actually long.
If you want to be on the pm list for this one, reply here.
Also I forgot. I will minimize the drama for this fic, as much as I can.
But of course, it doesn't mean that you might not be getting any cavities while reading it ;D.