I am not: what i appear to be
I hurt: i dont know.
I love: feeling wanted
I hate: knowing the truth
I fear: life.
I hope: i live life to the fullest
I hear: music
I crave: understanding
I regret: mistakes
I cry: when im hurt
I care: about everything
I always: think things through
I long to: to get outa this life
I feel alone: when im with my friends
I listen: even when u think i dont
I hide: from life
I drive: myself crazy
I sing: to much
I dance: with passion
I write: not so much anymore
I breathe: all the time?
I play: the piano
I miss: school..lol
I have: many secrets you dont know
I give: all of me
I fight: with my friends becasue i know no matter what i do they will always love me
I wait: too long
I need: attention
I am: complicated
I think: wayyyy to much for my own good
I can't help the fact that: i am who i am
I stay: forever
I search: for the greater meaning of life.
I learn: my mistakes to late
I feel: mad
I know: no one will read this
I say: too much
I fail: and get frustrated
I dream: not enough
I sleep: night
I wonder: where my life will go
I want: to be the best
I worry: i will fail