(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 09:56

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1) What is brudley5's favorite color? probibly black
2) What rank would irritating have in a giant robot army? leader
3) Would jack_crow_sally and irritating look good together? no not really
4) Thoughts on brudley5? frickin AWSOME lol he cracks me up
5) What mental disorder does brudley5 remind you of? extremely hyper type thing
6) Where was jack_crow_sally born? i think in Tampa but not sure
7) Could you see brudley5 and krysty_yasha together? well sence they go out, ah yes
8) Has halookatmenow78 dyed their hair? yes, she had red bangs
9) Do you have jack_crow_sally's screenname? yeah lol thats were we started to talk
10) adamcantskate's hair color? black
11) What is the_muff's shoe size? i dunno i can only guess 8
12) Where would dancincass most like to visit? paris i suppose
13) How would dancincass kill dramawolf_17? no, she's to nice to kill anyone
14) What video game does adamcantskate remind you of? lol grand theft auto san andresas lol
15) Is jack_crow_sally dead sexy? oh, god yes lol u just cant deny that
16) Would someonealone go out with the_muff? i suppose so
17) Does adamcantskate have a crush on halookatmenow78? no
18) What is jack_crow_sally's favorite food? hav no idea lol
19) What do you agree with adamcantskate about? that he kno's everysong ever and has the awsomest voice to sing it in lol
20) Which president would someonealone be likely to idolize? i hav no idea
21) Do someonealone and irritating go to the same school? they did last year
22) Is dancincass in a relationship? yes with JoEy
23) Would hikitsune be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
24) What is jack_crow_sally allergic to? nothing i think
25) Does someonealone drink? i dont think so
26) Would you make out with jack_crow_sally? lol i suppose if the moment was right lol
27) What flavor of jello would jack_crow_sally be? i dunno lol watermelon?
28) What would you do if hikitsune died? cry
29) How long would someonealone dating the_muff last? i hav no idea
30) Have you ever dated brudley5? no lol to much of a brother to even think about that lol
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