For all of you who don't have anything important to do today please for your own sake STAY HOME!!!
For anyone's who's interested here's the story of my trip to work this morning:
6:30am wake up hearing the radio talk about the RT being out of service (my main route in to work each morning), apparently shuttle buses are running though...
6:50am manage to pull myself out of the house and my ride decides that she's gonna drop me off at Kennedy Station instead so I don't have to wade through the shuttle bus lines...
7:10 We're about 3/4 of the way to Kennedy Station after wading through lights that were out due to power outages, flooded road and really crazy drivers when we hit a roadblock. I could see that one of the hydro poles had fallen over. My "driver" at this point panics. I believe her exact words were "Screw this we're going home".
7:20 We're half way back home when a fire truck nearly hits us (ok it wasn't that close but it didn't look like it was stopping to me) as we're heading through an intersection. At this point I'm getting depressed because if I don't get to work I don't get paid. My ride offers to drop me off at STC but really wants me to call in sick. Again not looking forward to waiting in line for a shuttle bus. I suggest the GO station back at my house.
7:33 The last scheduled train before 8am was supposed to have left 3 minutes ago and as we pull into the Rouge Hill Station there's a train pulling out. My thoughts at this point..."Oh shit". My "driver" decides to keep me company and walks me into the station where we wade through a huge crowd of people all the while repeating the words: "Just go home" Luckily the woman at the booth says that the 7:30 train hasn't arrived yet. The one that I missed was an express that didnt stop at Rouge Hill anyway.
7:40 My train arrives after a five minute wait and I manage to grab literally one of the last two seats. Thank God...$5 bucks for one-way not looking so bad now...
8:00 I get a phone call from one of my co-workers. She's standing in one of the shuttle bus lines at the RT. Apparently there's mobs and rushing of buses... Anyway her estimate is that she won't make it into work til 10am if she doesn't just go home altogether. So glad I didn't go that route...
8:30 I get off at union station and luckily can follow the crowd to find my way to the TTC side and BCE Place underground entrance...
8:35 I'm up at my desk at work same time as usual and you wouldn't have guessed the time I wasted to try to get here. The additional GO train fare might be worth the extra half hour of sleep...Only ones in the office seem to be co-op students...
So yeah that was my trek this morning. The other co-ops have a variety of similar stories including being knocked over while mobs start rushing buses, getting stuck between lanes on roads and so on. So for those of you who decide to hibernate this "Fine" morning, I don't blame you.
All in all I hope you guys have a safe day if you do decide to dare the weather.
So glad I got here in one piece and awake..Thank god for coffee!
Oh yeah before I forget, Tiff did you get my email?