So for the record, it is TOO DAMN COLD. Seriously. I feel like I'm going to die every time I go outside.
But anyway, I'm just trying to kill some time before heading out to get late!dinner so I present to you.. the 8th Grade Survey! (now with improved grammar!) Hah.
1. Who were your best friends?
I think I would have to say Nichole and Melissa. That was before Nichole and my falling out over her trying to be me and before Melissa was constantly dating someone and had no time for friends. ;)
2. Who did you like?
Oh school-girl crushes... 8th grade was the year of my Mike!crush.
3. What sport did you play?
4. Did you buy your lunch?
Maybe once or twice a week. My mom wouldn't give me money more than that and I wasn't about to spend my allowance on cafeteria food! I usually just packed a lunch.
5. It's Friday night, where were you?
Probably sitting around with friends at a house. Or bowling. We did a lot of bowling back in the day. But I really don't remember middle school very well.
6. Were you a party animal?
Hell no
7. Skip School?
Nope, not until like senior year did I skip school.
8. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Yeah right, I was the good kid!
9. Can you sing the alma mater?
Yeah.. because it was the same as high school and to the same tune as my college!
10. What was your favorite class?
I think I would have to say BAND.
11. What was your school's name?
L'Anse Creuse Middle School North
12. Did you go to the dances?
Yeah! They were totally lame in retrospect, but I totally went to them. I mean come on, middle school dances? You didn't get dressed up, they were right after school... LAME.
13. If you could go back in time and do it all over would you?
8th grade? Hell no. Maybe some high school years.. 10th, 11th, 12th... those were the fun times.
14. What do you remember most about 8th grade?
Umm passing notes with Melissa in silent reading? Seriously.. really don't have a lot of big memories from middle school.
15. Favorite memory in 8th grade?
End of 8th grade parties! Josh H and Nicole F had them! Twice in two day when I went swimming in my clothes.. once in a pool and once in a lake.
(was 8th grade the year Melissa and I got in a fight with golf clubs on the putt-putt course at Metro? I can't remember... nah.. that might have been 7th)
16.Where did you most often go for lunch?
The cafeteria? Where else would I go? Not like I can drive at the age of 13.
17. What did you do on the last day of school?
Yearbook signing!
18. Did you like 8th grade?
I didn't have any strong feelings either way. It didn't suck as much as 9th but it wasn't as awesome as 10th, 11th, and 12th.