(no subject)

May 09, 2007 08:36

What really sucks is that I can't eat anything that isn't mushy, and I have to drink everything through a straw. You should have seen Stacey trying so hard to be sympathetic and not laugh at me. Of course I made it harder for her by letting her know how funny I sounded at work all day..................
It was swollen even more when I woke up this morning, my lips have no lines in them anymore and the skin is all tight and painful.
I would think it was the mother of all cold sores but Stacey pointed out to me that cold sores don't normally affect the roof of your mouth and inside of your nose. Not to mention the itchy bumps on my arm.
Our conclusion is that I ran afoul of some poison sumac (it's the only one of the poison plants I'm allergic to, and it normally really fucks me up)
Zylo came over and nursed me. He was so sweet and loving. I think that he's wonderful *smiles*.
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