I was so incredibly pissed off about elimination last night! Why is Jaeda still there? Seriously, why? she continues to take crap ass photos. She had ONE good one out of her two last night. She's been in the bottom two at least 3 times. She complains about her short hair like there's no tomorrow.
Before they did the make overs she even said she'd be fine if they cut her hair cuz it'll grow back. eat your words bitch! She's all like "I hate my hair! I look like a boy! whan! whan!"
They shouldn't have given Brooke the boot. She has taken waaaaay better pics than Jaeda and Eugena(who should be gone too).
I want melrose gone but only because she bugs me. She does take good pics. I have to admit that. I wont be surprised if she does win. She does have the talent. But I think she may not win b/c she is "old" to be getting into the industry. Yes, 23 is old to start your career as a super model. It's a fact of life in the fashion world.
OH!!!! Ugly Betty is on tonight! YAY!!!!! which means I need to shower early....cuz it's on at 8 and then CSI is on at 9.
We did have to do a few more boxes. not a whole lot. like 12. But Jasmine and Sarah helped. Unlike yesterday when we needed to do like a million. We set up the entire bed and bath display by the elevators in the Bay at White Oaks mall. So yes, if you go and see it, you know the brains behind it ^_^ we were basically given all the merch and told to put it where it "makes sense", lol! no direction at all. We were told to keep certain stuff together but it was no brainer stuff. Like, keep all stuff from one brand together. duh!
We got to change a few manniquiens. That was fun. I guess. it was a bitch getting their arms to go in their sockets. We all wanted to cry. Except for Sarah cuz she had the bust forms and they have no arms. She had to stuff them with tissue. Damn, I should have volunteered for that! But no, I wanted to do womens' wear :P mine rocked though. One of the ladies who does some of the merchandising liked my outfits ^_^ so yay!
I had to pin the crap out of the pants and jackets cuz uh the clothes were like HUGE. But that's b/c the manniquens are so small! I had size 6's on them and they were big okay.
oh, just remembered, as I was walking to check the mailbox these two teenie-boppers ride by me rather slowly and say in an all too casual tone "Our friend is stuck in a tree" like it was nothing. I kept walking cuz well they didn't stop, they just kept riding. And then they say loudly "She doesn't care that our friend is stuck in a tree"
First, you shouldn't be climbing a tree if you're not sure you can get down. Second, someone should have stayed with your "friend", how mean. third, if you wanted my help, you should have stopped and asked. I probably would have helped. But no, they act as if it wasn't anything urgent. Hence my non-urgent reaction.
Meh, it may have been cruel but kids gotta learn. and if they were stuck in one of the trees in the field behind my house, that's pretty pathetic. You can't get stuck in them b/c there's like a million branches. Easy to get up and down.
I'm hanging out with the guy tomorrow. I hope I can get up the courage to bring up the subject -_-
tis all for now
ja ne