You know you've been spending too much time on Facebook when you attempt to "like" someone's LJ entry, only to find a blank field of text demanding an actual response instead
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This is so great! All your fics in one place! Actually you sent me Bittersweet legacy on my e-mail address so I'm happy to say I read it all. And now I have a chance to read all the rest... Great move, thank you! :-)
Yes, this archive rocks - it's like the multi-fandom answer to Gossamer (the awesome X-Files archive that owns all fandom when it comes to fic) - now when I'm all excited with some awesome new author I've found, I can quickly browse and see if they've written in another fandom I like!
I saw that BL was up and I am so thrilled! Especially since I've been gatheriong recs of WIPs thet should ve read even though they will likely never be finshed and yours is one that sort of tops the list.
It doesn't belong on that list! It will be finished! It WILL! I just may be senile by the time I get around to it, but it WILL be finished. I have a book 3 outline and everything.
Well, the list isn't a "These will definitely never be finished". Just, on a long hiatus, shall we say? Except for one, really good story. The poor girl died, only 22. So sad.
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