Title: Murmur
Genre: Romance, fluff
Pairings/characters: US/UK
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mention of past sex (just in passing), risk of diabetes
Summary: Alfred has his secrets, even if they seem to have everything to do with Arthur.
Alfred doesn't tell Arthur a lot of things. )
Comments 20
Just adorable. You were right, I think this gave me diabetes XDD
SO CUTE <3333333333333333333333
I've been having total writer's block and thought this might turn out horribly, so I'm glad to hear it went over well!
but one that also warms the cockles (or whatever) of Alfred’s heart
That bit made me crack up for no discernible reason other than that it was SUCH an Alfred thing to say. So derpy. ♥
I really loved this. It was so sweet, and I can see it happening so easily. Oh Arthur, you little sap. So prideful.
Thank you for sharing this!
I am glad to have made you laugh and provided sweetness!
That was too sweet. I'm going to have to send you my dental bill.
Glad you liked it!
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