Title: Hold
Genre: Genfic, angst, romance, AU
Pairings/characters: UK, Japan, US/UK
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Today is the best day Arthur's had in a long time, but there's something missing at the end of the day.
64. Hold
The first day of university, Arthur is so excited, he starts uncharacteristically bouncing in place while waiting to be served lunch. He catches himself smiling more than he would (or probably should; they must think he’s a lunatic), and tries to scowl a bit more, or at least look impassive, but it doesn’t work.
If Kiku were actually bold, he might have given Arthur shit about it, because this is so not Arthur, but instead the mild-mannered Japanese boy just smiles at Arthur’s unusual joy and makes a polite comment about Arthur being happy. Arthur takes it as a warning that he’s attracting more attention than he’s going to want around here. Still, it’s hard not to be ridiculously pleased with life.
For one, Arthur has his own space for the first time in…ever pretty much. Secondly, and most importantly, he doesn’t have to deal with his family. There are no parents to worry about all the wrong things and nag about all the everythings. There are no older brothers to hit where it doesn’t bruise and cut down everything he likes about himself. There’s no younger brother to have to take care of and pander to and secretly want to kill.
Arthur truly loves it here. He didn’t know he’d be this happy, but he unexpectedly, blissfully is. The crash of this high doesn’t come until he’s nearly asleep.
Arthur has snuggled down into his own sheets and comforter on his new bed, and is still smiling, but then it begins to fade. The single bed feels empty. If he were at home, Alfred would be there. Behind him or in front of him or half on top of him, but there. As it is, Arthur shifts uncomfortably and starts wondering how long it will take to get to sleep without a goodnight kiss and Alfred’s arms wrapped around him.
University seems very lonely without Alfred, and Arthur vaguely recalls pushing back that twinge of loneliness when he’d seen a group playing American football or some guy ordering a cheeseburger. He’s going to miss Alfred terribly, and it all hits Arthur as he’s staring up at the ceiling of his brand new dorm that was filling with promise moments ago.
Now, it’s empty and a little chilly, and all Arthur can think about is how much he wants Alfred to be holding him right now. Still, this is Arthur’s freedom, his new beginning to do the things he’s always wanted to, and Alfred promised to be waiting for him when winter break rolls around. They’ve already made plans for Alfred to visit when he’s allowed to after the first three weeks. It’s going to be okay, and Arthur knows that.
But this first night is as hard as the first day was happy, and Arthur buries his face in the pillowcase that’s still misshapen from two heads laying on it instead of one, and tries to imagine Alfred is there to make one of the best days of his life absolutely perfect. Without him, it’s hard not to find it all a little bittersweet.
A/N: It's over. It's finally over. First day in my new dorm, posting from a new internet connection, and I'll be here all semester. It's been great writing for you guys! I've had a lot of fun with this series, and I'll probably go on to writing continuations now that it's done. Also, I apologize for the slight faily-ness of the last two stories. Clearly, they were not quite up to par. orz
Thanks for reading, and thank you so much to everyone who commented! I couldn't have done it without you! I've gotten so much positive feedback and I've started having real confidence in my writing abilities, so truly, thank you all!