Title: Like Rabbits
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, romance, fluff
Pairings: US/bunny!UK
Warning: Some language (not much) and suggestive situations
Summary: A spell gone awry and of course America would be the one to find out about England's new appearance. And take advantage.
...or perhaps that was Murphy's Law. )
Comments 20
Seriously, this was so much better than what I imagined it was going to be - you really do always go far beyond what I expect - and I loved it to bits <3
RELAXED RABBIT MUSH ENGLAND. The mental image is too cute seriously :3 Don't know all that much about rabbits so all the rabbity behaviours, learn something new everyday xD
England being semi-confused by his own behaviour was cute too and lol America you big, conniving doofus 8DDD
Normally I would call you a tease and complain a little but I feel that cutting off there worked for this! lolol going at it like rabbits literally 8D I LOVED THIS WHOLE THING SO MUCH, WRITE MORE SOON PLZ ♥
Where's the yummy par-- -SHOT-
I though this was going to be one of those lame plots about little Bunny!Iggy. Good thing neither of them are small 8| So yeah... WHERE'S THE YU-- -SHOT AGAIN-
Thank you very much for writing!
The mental image of rabbit!England being flipped over and 'hypnotised' is just -- <333 amazing, amazing fic.
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