Title: Crossroad Blues Genre: Supernatural AU/crossover Word Count: 2,089 Rating/Warnings: PG; some cursing, a demon Summary: If you bury a box at the crossroads, you can make a deal with a demon.
I don't watch Supernatural but this is AWESOMEEEEEE
Arthur is just asdfghjkl; amazing smokin' hot, love how he's paired off with Alfred here :') my heart made a little oh sound when I was reading Alfred's reasons and wishes ><
so nice to be reading your stuff again! And during sweethearts week :3 doubly hearts!
I'm guessing there's no probability of a continuation. XD But still it's an enjoyable read! I like how you made demon!Arthur rather playful and somewhat sinister. Oh Alfred, trying to deny his attraction towards demon!Arthur. Ufu!
Comments 11
Just... wow. Oh wow. o__o If you ever feel up to it, I'd LOVE to read a sequel/next episode/MOAR~~ :Q______
Arthur is just asdfghjkl; amazing smokin' hot, love how he's paired off with Alfred here :') my heart made a little oh sound when I was reading Alfred's reasons and wishes ><
so nice to be reading your stuff again! And during sweethearts week :3 doubly hearts!
Oh Alfred, trying to deny his attraction towards demon!Arthur. Ufu!
Would love to read more of it ^^
EEEEEEE!! SPNxUsUK=MOST EPIC CROSSOVER EVER. Glad I'm not the only one thinking of it. 8D Thanks for sharing ♥♥♥
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