2 things
Very seriously.
I was talking with one of my friends on Gaia. We are trying to figure out which type of "bending" is the best and I was telling Kelsey My side of the arguement.
Victoria says:
Because, None of the can be quantified as the "best" Becasue its situational.
Like, in the middle of the desert Water bending would be useless, and airbending, or earth bending would be better.
And in the air earthbending would be useless.
And inside any building Airbending would be pretty bad.
And in the middle of the ocean fire bending would suck.
That being said Airbending would be useful in the most situations,in my opinion, but earthbending is still my favorite, and I need a life.
i love you
Victoria says:
and its mainly upon versitality and the ingenuity of the character.
You have to take in the parameters such as, is there a constant air flow to allow me to bend the air?
How far does my bending work?
avatar is srs bsns
Victoria says:
Also you have to factor in what they are doing. Are they doing a mundane task or are they fighting? If they are fighting, then earthbending or Firebending would be best
But airbending and water bending would do better for the mundane, such as washing dishes or cleaning up.
Victoria says:
Oh man
we just brought the Catapult Turtle into the avatar conversation.
so esentially we broke the series beyond its intentional perameters.
And since we do not know how normal mundane life is, we cant fairly quantify the benders effectiveness while preforming them.
I take Avatar more seriously than I should.
Now, on to # 2.
Day 08 | A photo that makes you angry/sad
T^T So very very sad.
Day 09 | A photo you took
Me and Sammi were very bored on the last day of school 3 years ago