Yesterday, I had a photoshoot with deirdremoon, which was an absolute blast. This photo is one of an entire series on which I am still working. There were several costume changes, so expect to see more in the coming days.
Ooooooooo, nice! Is that a backdrop of yours or Photoshop trickery?
And yes, I still want to do a photoshoot w/you, madly, desperately. I just need to figure out when the hell I have some time, dangit! And exactly what costumes I need captured most. And where. And how. Y'know, little stuff like that ;-)
Comments 6
And yes, I still want to do a photoshoot w/you, madly, desperately. I just need to figure out when the hell I have some time, dangit! And exactly what costumes I need captured most. And where. And how. Y'know, little stuff like that ;-)
Just let me know when you have time.
FYI: Depending on how many hours, etc, it'll take a minimum of two hours for a shoot.
As a point of reference, her shoot took about 5 hours including setup/teardown, breaks, and 3 costume changes.
So plan on at least 1/2 a day.
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