Title: The Irony
Author: Greko
Pairing: Soubi/Ritsuka
Rating: I’m going to change this to R just to play it safe.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I don’t know the person who does own them. I gain no profit from this. I just like to play with them sometimes. I'm just a deranged girl with too much time on my hands.
Summary: Soubi finds Ritsuka’s real
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Comments 5
i usually don't like fics with misaki - i think i've got a thing against all moms in anime - but this really works. i love that she knows about soubi, that it's one more reason to hurt him.
:/ since your asking for suggestions, cover that. soubi's guilt because he's the reason ritsuka's cut.
i really hope you continue with this =]
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