totally stolen from Marcia

Feb 17, 2007 00:07

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... was too damn long ago
2. I am listening to... Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. I talk... to myself
4. I love... Cheese and invertied flutterbys
5. My friends... are fun to be with
6. My first real kiss... isn't something I like to think about
7. Marriage is... not for me
8. Somewhere, someone is thinking... and someone else is falling over dead
9. I'll always... be me
10. I have a secret crush... and he works with me
11. The last time I cried was because... I don't know
12. When I wake up in the morning... i'm kinda a bitch right off the bat
13. Before I go to bed I... read till I can't see the page
14. Right now I am thinking about... the fact that I bought floor seat to a wrestling event!!!!
15. Babies are... cute as long as they are not and never will be mine
16. I get on Myspace... only to check the Jolly Rogers out.
17. Today I... Went to work came home and fixed my printer! Actually Nate did it but I watched..
18. Tonight I will... watch more Gundam Wing Damn you Katie
19. Tomorrow I will be... working and flirting, I hope
20. I really want... to learn to dive with out having to go throught the whole learing process

1. was freshly clean
2. was working part time
3. was confused?

1. got my first taste of living on my own
2. was fresh out of my first relationship
3. don't remember...

1. played Morrowind and watched wrestling/supernatural
2. eat nothing but applesause
3. had a heating pack strapped to my waist

1. blew $100+ for the chance to see hot half nekkied men
2. had a headach
3. eat food

1. the derilict
2. most Jimmy buffet songs.... stop looking at me like that!
3. the Firefly theme

1. the carribean
2. new Zeland
3. outer space... I can dream

What do you think about flag burning?
DOn't like it but in the right situation it can be approite. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to beat the crap out of someone afterwards but...

Is it ok to cuss?
fuck yeah

What's your favorite candy?
tie between Mike'n'Ikes and Chocolate

Do you keep up on current events?
yep. not much else to do. Besides it pays to be informed about theses things

Do you get enough vacation?
Whats a vacation?

What is most important to you?
Friends, people I care about. If you have the right people backign you there isn't anything you can't do.

Do you collect anything?
a little bit of everything? I'm more then just a bit of a pack rat

Is there too much media violence?
define too much. The whole thing is just a bunch of hypocrital bullshit. I'd explain but it would take too long.

Is it right to spank a kid?
YES! some kids jsut ned to get popped to know that its not ok to do things. Know I did.

What's your favorite car?

Boy Bands:
Never liked the little shits

Planning to go anywhere for Spring Break?
don't have one any more

If someone handed you 500 bucks what would you do with it?
Save for the Ren faire and buy something totally fuckign amazing.

Do you have a credit card?
nope, its called impluse buying and i know what would happen.

Should teens be able to have credit cards?
no. Like they would be paying it. the littel shits would just become even more dependent on their parents for finacial support.

How many E-mail accounts do you have?

Who do you live with?
my family

Creation or Evolution?
Evo! Hail Darwin!

Can you name the leader of Cuba?
Castro. for how long the man clings to life

What are you doing after graduation?
well seeing as I already had my one and only: work.

How many colleges did you apply to?

What's your favorite hard candy?
the cute little thingys that come wrapped up like strawberries.

Ever had your heart broken?
not really. I'm kinda good about not giving it out.

Did you keep your New Year's Resolution?
nope but not for lack of trying.

Is your best friend the same or opposite gender of you?

Do you have any feelings on abortion?
Not as a form of Birth control.

What would be your dream vacation?
the montians

Your feelings on the show "Survivor"
just while I'm waiting for Supernatural

Thirsty? What's your favorite drink?
Mountian Dew or Artic Shatter power aid

What makes you like a commercial the most?
Bring Back th Budwiser Frogs! I loved them

What do you typically eat for breakfast?

How involved were you in buying the computer your using right now?
It was all me baby

How many computers are in your house?
2 that work, one that comitted sucide but hasn't yest recived a burial and one thats so old it makes the ones that the elemetry school had look nice.

Do you read self-help books (Chicken Soup, etc.)?
I've been know to flip through them while shelving. Really they are good for a laugh.

Do you think teens should be restricted from buying certain things?
most of them yes, but come on now thats half the fun figuring the ways arund the rules, all part of the experience.

Do you use Instant Messaging more than the phone?

Who would you have voted for in the Presidental Election?
Bush, he told me what he was going to do so even if I didn't like it I could at least prep for the fight rather than having someone turn on me.

What do you think about amusement parks?
Fun! Roller coster and cotten candy! Yeah!

Do you like roller coasters?
Hell YEah!

If you saw The Grinch, what did you think?
He said fuck in it

Do you play video games?
yes but in modiration.

Have you ever beat a game?
Link to the Past. I fuckign own that game!

What usually keeps you up later then you should be?
a good book

Do you enjoy cooking?

Do you pay attention to how healthy you eat?
Not a chance in hell. I'm going to abuse my metabolism while I've got it.

What couldn't you live without?

How long do you talk on the phone each day?
not long

Why do people still freak out when they hear or see the number 69?
they have the mentallity of a preteen boy

What kind of grades do you get?

Current Feeling:
I have acomplished soemthing today. Now make the world go away so I can celibrate by vegging.

Current Music:
System of a down

Current Taste:
mint for gum

Current Hair:

Current Dress:
jeans cammie and a jacket

Current Grievance:
working the morning shift

Current Annoyance:
not enough hpurs in the day

Current Smell:
not quite sure

Current Longing:
a maid.

Current Game:
wouldn't you like to know

Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing:

Current Windows Open:
this one

Current Desktop Picture:
Me and Katie wentching it up

Current Favorite Artist:

Current Favorite Group:
JOlly ROgers

Current Book:
Apocolypse 2012 by lawerance joseph its a scientic look at the factt he end is coming.

Current CD in Stereo:
I have a stero?

Current Crush:
that one guy/girl

Current Favorite Celebrity:
the pritty ones

Current Time Wasting Wish:
money falling formthe sky

Current Hate:
how much insurance cost.
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