how can i leave? almost everything i know is here. will things be better or worse in florida. can it ever be as good down there as it is up here? jon and rae... how can i leave them. there still growing up. randy adn my other friends... will it ever be the same. family up here... will i miss them more or less then those i miss now.
so went to the beach today. it was a lot of fun. it was several of us. took pics adn laid in the sun, walked the boardwalk,the water was really cold so didn't really go in much. only thing is now i am red almost all over adn it hurts. sucks. but it was worth it i suppose.
so i finally graduated. fun day. fun night. went adn got my belly button pierced afterwards. tonight going back over to randys adn tomorrow we are going to the beach for the day. should be fun. have campmeeting in a week. yay.
read something that kinda surprised me, don't know why it did though. anyway off to go shop in white marsh then on to Randy's. ... two more days... still not that excited.
boring day adn i can't shake off this cloud, this meloncholy. i just want well many things none of which i can have. so much to think adn worry about. ... i graduate friday but somehow at the moment it just seems pointless.
FINALLY! the end of high school. LAST day of high school. thought it would never come. sure i'll miss some of my friends. but half to most i won't keep in touch with, i already know this. so no worries. one week till GRADUATION. can't wait. Bring on the SUMMER.