Lilac Legacy 1.5

Sep 15, 2012 15:03

Caution: Language, adult themes, derpiness.

Notes from the author: In case you haven't been keeping score at home, I am trying to stick the 'purple' color theme to this generation. Thus Lavender, Violet and Plum. Next gen will be a different color, etc. I am so originale. But enough about me, there's a Sim family to stalk!

Last time on the Lilac Legacy: The family moved to a new army base and a gorgeous new Legacy home, Alain and Lavender taught their tiny daughter the facts of life [and how to walk without falling on her face] Violet grew into a beautiful little child, Lav got herself preggers again "celebrating the new bedroom" and gave birth to a little boy bundle named Plum.

We start this update off with ....

Lavender: SimGirl Magazine wanted me to dig up some stories? Oh, I'll give them stories. Let's see what old Mrs. Brindles has in the rubbish bin. I bet she has a dark, checkered past.
Fox: Old Mrs. Brindles has to get about with a walker and donates to the Boyscouts of America. Lav, what are you doing?


Lavender: Hello SimGirl main office? I'm Lavender Lilac, and you're never going to believe this.

Lav... really likes gossiping and writing for fashion magazines. I think her life before the Legacy of being a pampered only child is leaking through. I think it's cute though, in a Mean Girls kind of way.

Meanwhile, back home, Alain was looking pretty darn adorable cuddling his son in his military uniform.

Alain: A boy, Fox! We have a baby boy! I can't wait to do manly things with little Plum, like clipping coupons and watching Food Network!

It's cute when he tries.

Violet was still painfully adorable. The Lilacs seem to really love playground equipment. It would take several burly men and a tub of butter to get Lavender off the swings once she's on them.

Violet: Fox, do you know the square root and average of the prime nu-
Fox:I'ma stop you right there. Ask your da, he's the future astronaut.

Alain: Hold on a second boss, the answer is tree, honey, definitely tree, sorry about that, what were you saying?

On second thought...

Violet: I don't think it's tree...

Me either, kiddo.

He may not be the King of Logic, but Alain is an amazing family man. He comes home from doing a 2 mile jog, a zillion push ups and jumping jacks, and still has energy to make a delicious dinner for his family.

He then puts his infant son to bed.

And watches the cooking channel in his underpants until bed time. I love him to pieces.

Violet feeds Midas every night before she goes to sleep.

Violet: Tomorrow is baby Plum's birthday! Mum says if I go to sleep early, I can have a big slice of cake!

Fox: Why the long face, Lav?

Lavender: She thinks she's so sexy, with her pouty lips and ... fins. You know who bought that mural for our bathroom? Alain. Hmph.

Jealous of a painting. Such a drama queen.

The next morning was indeed little Plum's birthday! If you think I was excited to see what he would look like as a toddler, the maid was ecstatic.


Lavender: Ugh, I remember toddlers. Always with the pooing and the crying and the eating my entire lipstick tube in one go. Plummy, you wont do that to me will you?
Plum: o_o

Plum: Herp!


*loads the spam cannon*


Oh my goodliness. I could not be more pleased with how Plum turned out! I see a lot of his mum in him, both of my toddlers got the trademark purple eyes, but there's some of Alain in there too. He is simply too cute for words.

Lavender: My turn!

You're a fully grown adult! You are pretty adorable though.

As soon as Alain got home from work, he rushed over to his newly toddlered son and started teaching him to be manly.

Alain: Manly men love meat! Not like your silly vegetarian sister Violet.
Plum: zZzZ

Alain: Fine sleepyhead, we'll sing.You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray!
Plum: Swun shin?

With all the babies coming and going, Lavender felt like she wasn't spending enough time with the love of her life. Especially in the kid's bathroom?

Lavender: I love you Alain. I am so happy you are a part of my life, and that we have three lovely children together.
Alain: Mmm- three?!

Alain: Three, huh?

Lavender: Three.

An hour later, Lavender was out on her front porch throwing up her dinner on a newspaper while her phone rang and she thought about Mona Lisa. Don't look at me folks, I don't make this up.

Lavender: Blerg!  Stop making fun of me and help me inside!

You asked for it, dumpling.

When Lavender stopped hurling and came back in, Violet cornered her with a very urgent question.

Violet: Mum. Are you okay? I heard you and da upstairs, it was really loud... the bed just kept creaking and you were yelling. What's wrong?

Lavender: Oh honey, it's okay. Er, we were just, you know, sometimes when a man and woman, they-

Violet: Hee hee, just kidding! I know about the birds and the bees, mum, I AM in public school.

Trolling already! Teen-Violet should be a lot of fun. Speaking of teen-Violet, the following morning was finally her birthday! Two birthdays in a row, the house is full of cake and party horns!

As she was getting dressed for the party, Lav popped and this outfit doesn't look so bad. I have no idea why fashion sense goes completely out the window once Sims are knocked up.

Lavender: You try carrying around a lumpy watermelon inside your stomach and then picking out which Versace shoes go with your Vera Wang dress.

Violet: Alain, our daughter is turning sixteen today. This means YOU are teaching her to drive.
Fox: Me?

Alain: ...

I'm pretty sure my dad made the exact same face when contemplating letting me pilot a vehicle.

Since the weather was so fine, they decided to have an outdoor birthday for the eldest Generation 2 Lilac.

Violet: I wish for boys to notice me, and to be cuter so I can date lots of boys, and for a summer boyfriend, and-
Alain: FML. Is it too late to lock her in a tower?

Violet: Hello world!

Legacy Cliche quote #126
I think you mean "Hello make-over"

Violet Lilac:


Pretty much taking after her mum. Adorbz.

Here's a closer look. I wanted to give her a flower dress and continue the theme of her being preppy and a goodie goodie but no one really is in their teenaged years. She's got that angsty feeling about her, but she is still a straight A student and loves her family.

Lavender: Um, excuse me, but my little girl just grew up and is almost an adult. I'm having a moment!

I think it's just the hormones talking.

Lavender: If she's growing up, then that means I'm getting old. This bites.
Fox: Such is the life of a Legacy founder, my dear. Chin up, your children are gorgeous, your husband loves you, and you're still a knock-out.

Lavender: You're right, I'm going to go find Alain and make him buy me Dairy Queen.

Some things never change.

In other news, this doesn't need a caption. Words wont do this amount of sheer adorableness justice.

Violet: You wouldn't say that if you could smell him right now. I'm pretty sure I read in a book somewhere that green poo is NOT normal. Why do I have to babysit?

I am seriously so happy with how both the Lilac childerns are growing up. Also, I wonder where the brown hair came from? The milk man? D:

Violet: ...and then mom and dad almost didn't get married because of jellyfish!

Lavender: I told you not to tell him scary stories, Violet Lilac. Jellyfish are nothing to joke about.

Violet: I'm sorry for scaring Plum, mum. But I was wondering... I've been keeping my grades up. Do you think I could get a new car soon? Maybe a sporty red one I could impress all the boys at school with?

Lavender: Are you crazy? You can't even drive yet! And there is no way I am buying you a sports car, good grades or no. They are too dangerous and expensive.

Violet: Hmph. Stormy Gray has a white Mustang and she's really popular. I'll just have to ask daddy.

Unfortunately Alain was a little distracted at the moment, teaching his son to use the potty. Like a man, of course.

Plum: *is manly*

Alain: What's that baby? It's time to meet the world? Haha, that's funny.

Alain: Oh god, it wasn't kidding!

For whatever reason, Lav refused to go to the hospital. Violet was attempting to comfort her mother- oh, who am I kidding. She was spazzing like a pro.

Violet: Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!

Lavender: *birthrage* This better be the last one, so help me!

Everyone, meet the third child of Gen 2!

Amethyst Lilac [Randomly Generated]
-Love of the Outdoors


With the new addition to the house, the home was being remodeled to make room for all the new chilluns, so I sent Violet off on an adventure. She looks... apprehensive.

She soon found this charming little log cabin [in the middle of a city] and greeted this well dressed Asian lady.

Jet: Uh, mom? Why is there a girl in the house?

This is her son, Jet Onyx . He attends the same high school as Violet and their paths cross occasionally.

Jet: Hi, I'm an awkward teenager.
Violet: Hi, so am I.

Feeeeeel the awkwardness.

Mrs Onyx: I'm not sure how I feel about this saucy red-head chatting up my son.

Alain: I sense a disturbance in the force. Violet is talking to ... a male.

You're a male too, silly.

What's this new door next to the laundry room you ask?

This will soon be Plum and Amethyst's room. Blue for Plummy of course, and lovely white for Ame. I really love this set. <3

Speaking of Plum, he was now manly enough to walk, talk, and poo like his da, so it was birthday time!

Alain: He even reads the paper on the potty just like his old man!

Violet: Ugh, the older he gets, the more I'm reminded I have to compete with him for heir status.

Plum: *sparkleherp*

And a Plum child was borne from the sparkles!

Plum Lilac [Randomly Generated]
-Absent Minded

He loves French Toast, Indie music, the color orange, and his sign is Leo.

I really see him as that dreamy kind of artist who spends whole afternoons painting and forgetting about responsibilities  He is pretty amazingly adorable and I couldn't be more happy.

Thank you for reading and supporting the Lilac Legacy. UNTIL NEXT TIME!

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