1) A is for age:
I am 23! Almost 23.5!
2) B is for beer of choice:
honeyweiss, generally. or edmund fitzgerald porter. the darker, the better. (can you believe it, john? i love dark beer.)
3) C is for what you can't wait for right now:
i can't wait to feel like a whole person again. i'm about 75% there.
4) D is for your dog's name:
I had a dog for six months and his name was casper.
5) E is for essential item you use everyday:
my pink plastic comb.
7) G is for favorite game:
i really love online scrabble especially with bethany and rob. i also like apples to apples, a lot. it's such an adventure. I also like playing risk, but chris always wins.
8) H is for Hometown:
Berwyn, IL.
9) I is for instruments you play:
10) J is for favorite juice:
orange, freshly squeezed.
11) K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
my own, usually.
12) L is for last food you ate:
japanese noodle stuff at noodles n company. yum.
13) M is for marriage:
i can't wait to find someone that i deem worthy of spending my life with and building a family with, but i don't really think im ready for that yet.
14) N is for your name:
my confirmation name is aurelia.
15) O is for overnight hospital stays:
only one, when i had my surgery.
16) P is for people you can't live without:
there are people that i really strongly prefer not to live without, but the only person i can't live without is brenda.
17) Q is for quote:
"whatever. i do what i want. i swear all the time....fuck."
18) R is for Biggest Regret:
i really don't have many regrets. i think everything i experienced feeds into who i am today, and part of loving who you are is loving everything. i try very hard to accept all my past faults and inadequacies as part of a bigger picture.
19) S is for status:
ready for more changes.
20) T is for time you woke up today:
21) U is for underwear you have on now:
22) V is for vegetable you love:
sweet potatoes and asparagus and artichokes. i love vegetables.
23) W is for worst habit:
i dont think eating is a bad habit for me anymore, so i would say over analyzing everything.
24) X is for x-rays you've had:
teeth, collar bone, you know.
25) Y is for yummy food you ate today:
emily and ruhe's left over cake. god.
26) Z is for the zodiac sign:
i am really the epitome of virgoness.