You can't always get what you want

Dec 14, 2006 22:18

My computers battery is fucked or something. The damn thing keeps crashing and claiming it has no battery life, even though it is connected to a power chord, the little charging light is on even the icon in my taskbar that says it is connected is on. Yet still, somehow it manages to drain 50% of its power in a mere few minutes. So, I guess I have to take it in tomorrow, if we have time, I dunno. Stupid dinner thing at my Uncles for my Grandpa's birthday. Should be interesting.

So I got my official acceptance letter from SCAD in the mail today. Its really just a formality concidering I was guaranteed entry, but I still had to resubmit an updated letter of intent and transcript (which took fucking forever thanks to the good old Park Tudor College Guidance Office. Thank you for being such dumbasses and ignoring my e-mails.)

Even though I already knew I was getting in, this just sort of sets in stone it all. I'm going, final. Turns out Freshman won't be returnign to O-house (bye bye ghosties) instead we'll be going to new (and much swanker) dorms of Turner. I'm still thinking of rooming with 2 others to cut back on residance payments. I just have to find the victims. But I also have to wait for them all to get their acceptance letters before I can go around asking. I'm thinking asking Hind and maybe Liz. Hind, because she's amazing and she regards me as her only Manga/Anime friend (she does smoke, but hardly around us unless she asks) and Liz because she's tidy and I know she'll keep the room clean and also because she's my bad ass WoW sista. I wouldn't mind rooming up with my RS roomie Cory again. Although we weren't exactly super close, we did get along remarkably well and we never got in eachother's way. (though I think she may have been a little perturbed on the last night when I brought a bunch of our guy friends to our room.) Other then that though I think we would room well together.

I got an extension on my Stats project. I'm so happy. Andrea being sick and having all of our data really held me back. Thankfully Page is a very understanding man and was more then willing to give me extra time. So I have until monday which means I don't have to fret over it tonight and tomorrow. I'll focus on it this weekend (because there are only 2 exams I'm focusing on out of my four).

Also have confereances with 2 of my art teachers on Monday to talk about different portfolios. Ap and Scholastics. I have to be there for the later exam anyway since my sister is taking something so, yeah. I have to widdle down my past artwork to just 8 for Scholastics. Not necessarily a theme but, we're leaning towards my figure work. I'll then be forced to work on it over break. Great. . .

Which brings me to the fact that I also have to get started on Gold Award. I've been aproved, I told them I would have it done by the end of winter. Thats really only a couple of months. My project isn't necessarily labor intensive, but it does require art stuff and all that, meaning its only going to cut into my AP time. Whatever.

People keep mentioning Senior Polls to me. Friends and Teachers alike. I don't know if anyone can understand what its like for me not to get Artistic. I believe there are very few things I can identifiy myself with. I'm not a jock or a science nerd, math nerd, none of it. I'm an artist. Its where my passion is. By the end of this year, I'll have taken every art course the school has to offer except the advanced photos. I think its safe to say I've put alot of time into that department. I know Anna is new, and people felt sorry for her. Maybe thats why she won. Or maybe its because people don't know me that well. I've gone to this school for 14 years, and people don't even know who the hell I am. My artwork has been on display in this school. I doodle in classes. I've drawn kids in Figure Drawing. I do a regular comic for the newspaper. Yet, the one time I get a chance to be recognized by my peers for something, anything! I get pushed aside by some flakey new girl. Who is staggers into Art history every morning ten minutes late and has not even bothered to really get to know anyone (so what if she sits in the senior corner).

I know its just Senior polls. But I wanted to leave some kind of a mark. I want to be remembered for SOMETHING credible. So yes, I am upset. Do I blame anyone? I dunno. Definately not any of my friends. Mrs. B told me Anna was surprised she won. Really? How nice. Afterall, she only waltzes around with her clipboard and scratchboards. She might as well wear a large sign saying "ARTIST".

Congratulations Anna.
I can only hope you earned it.

and god dammit. He's coming tomorrow.
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