So yesterday was an eventful afternoon/evening.
Went to Laser Flash up in carmel to play Laser Tag with Amy, Tom, Josh, JD, Isa, Caitlin, Miles and a couple of Josh's friends. ,
Including Anthony (who looks like a Johnny but is 10 times cooler) who I'll get to later. . .
Basically Laser Flash is like twice as big as X-Site and its twice as complicated. Now, both teams actually have bases that can be attacked and there are all these different kinds of gameplay including Sniper, Rapidfire, Deactivate, Virus, Elimination and so forth. No longer down times, instead you actually have so many bullets (or pulses) and so many lives. When you run you have to go recharge at a computer thing near your base, kind of annoying but more realistic. Sessions were now 40 minutes long with 2 games in each session. We basically went 4 times with and hour of downtime in between. Still worth it. Can't say I played that great but I did feel accomplished when I managed to kill the guy who (I later learned) is ranked fifth in the country, twice. Lets not mention the fact that he took out our whole team multiple times over. Somehow though, especially during the sniper game, I managed to run into him multiple times and the first time he shot me, but the second time I got him.
Then on the final game of the night which was elimination, we had no recharges only so many lives. Basically this kid could be kind of an asshole, because he would bend over and twist around to avoid getting shot while still shooting back at you. I was chasing him and managed to shoot him once, I think he thought he was dead, but it was just shield, then when he realized he was still alive he began to shot back at me, doing that bent over twisted around thing. But it was hilarious when as I was chasing him he ran head first into a wall. And I mean, it made a bang sound. I was like "Are you okay??" "That's gonna hurt in the morning." And here I show some compasion yet a minute later he turns around and shoots me again and I'm out for the night.
At least he came in a few seconds after I did.
Afterwards, we all went to the Steak 'n Shake up on 31. Most of us got milkshakes. Anthony knocked his over. Which was hilarious because then it started to melt so we were trying to dam it up with straw wrappers and knapkins. Isa decided to try and help, and they skooped up the icecream with a placemat and ran towards the bathroom. It was hilarious.
Suddenly everyone had to go, but I hadn't finished my milkshake. So then it was just Josh, Anthony and I. I ended up once again being cheated into paying for everyone with my debit card and then everyone else giving me money. But after everyone had left I was short by like 10 dollars. So Anthony pitched in an extra 5 and Josh gave me a couple dollars too.
Josh said I should come to Wal Mart with them to see Anthony chug a gallon of tea. I reluctantly gave in eventually. So we went to Wal mart (at like. . . 10:30 at night!) to get some tea. The only gallons were Arizona, and Anthony said he wouldn't do it if it was Arizona. So we tried to find alternatives and eventually he just decided to do a half gallon of chocolate milk.
Oooh bad Idea.
So we went back out into the parking lot, Josh and I hid on the other side of his car while Anthony chugged it, becuase we knew he was going to hurl considering he had just had a fresco melt meal and nearly 2 shakes before that. He got about 2/3 of the way and sure enough, he upchucked it. And then began to vomit up everything, including the fresco melt. Near the end of his vomiting, and our laughing, the thrown up milk had splattered over his pants, so we had to go back into Wal Mart to get paper towels. He gave us 3 bucks (which was actually Josh's tip to him for even attempting it) and we went back into to get paper towels. We grabbed the first ones we saw and got in line. Only to get behind someone who needed a price check and another guy who wanted to buy a movie with his paycheck, and needed the manager for it. So finally, after about 10 minutes of standing in line, we came back out. Only to find Anthony had filled an entire parking spot with vomit. It smelled to high heaven, almost made me hurl.
So after that i was like, I got to go! And that was the end of a crazy night.
Need to do it again sometime.