[It's safe to say that Suiseiseki still doesn't know that the gear records sound and video, and she had been enjoying her walk along route 29... Until now. The feed fizzles on again, to some rather interesting sounds. The video displays a wobbly shot of Suiseiseki and her Oddish, running frantically and reaching out as if to grab the gear. The poor
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Comments 85
Are you alright..?
Oh hey, there's a person on there!! A human! They could be dangerous...! But... So is the thing infront of her, and the human asked if she were okay... And they were on that funny electronic screen so... She hides a sniffle]
Ah-haha you surprised me, desu! I am okay, desu...!
[TRYING TO LOOK CONFIDENT AND BRAVE, but oh man this is not a nice situation... Her eyes keep darting to the gengar, face flushed with the obvious fear she was trying to hide.]
. . .It is just that this brutish grape demon will not leave me alone, desu...!
But... Have you tried going into a house for safety? I'm sure someone is willing to help you.
[She doesn't know your name and she obviously hasn't thought to ask. If only you could magically appear and kick some Gengar ass.]
A house, desu? I had not thought of that, but I will look for one, desu!
[Cue 'casual' frantic glances for any sight of a house where she might hide to get away from the Gengar. That seems to be delighting in making random surprising sounds and getting too close for comfort at random.]
Perhaps someone will be home and can scare this pesky grape demon away, desu!
Is everything all right?
No everything is not, desu!
[Okay she isn't as surprised this time, but she's peering cautiously at the screen, now what sort of human has she been faced with? The device reminds her of the tv in Jun's home, but you can talk to the images on it! Almost like a telephone.]
This, this purple grape demon will not leave me alone, desu! I think it is trying to scare me, desu!!
[You mean succeeding, Suiseiseki, as it's become something of a terrifying ordeal.]
Ah... That's a Gengar, miss, a pokémon.
Most of the species are pranksters and enjoy terrifying people, so that is probably why it is so interested in you.
[Oddish wiggles it's leaves a little, feeling proud for a moment before it returns it's attention to the Gengar.]
Well how do I get it to realize that it is wasting time it could be using on other things, desu? I would think a purple grape demon would be smarter, desu!
[Purple grape demon takes longer to say, but she isn't going to start calling it a Gengar now, because that might be too nice. There is another frightened little squeak as she jumps again, the pokemon having popped around one side and startled her.]
[She wobbles to get to her feet, wishing she could use her watering can to fend off the rather troublesome Gengar.]
This grape demon just wont leave me alone, desu!!
How about becoming it's friend? That should work!
[This does not quite compute as she stares at the Pokemon continuing to torment her and Myrchen quietly.]
How would I attempt to become this creature's friend, desu?
[It's big and dark and SCAREY...And starting to get ANNOYING to boot.]
[She pauses, squeaking a little at the Gengar again, before masking it with another unconfident laugh.]
I am unhurt, desu! I just tripped and fell when I was running, desu...
[The middle of no wheres in a strange world, there should be more houses scattered around to hide in! She glances at her oddish for a moment before nodding, albeit uncertainly.]
I do, her name is Myrchen, desu! Perhaps she can do something to stop such a devilish grape demon, desu?
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