So tonight is another Yom Kippur. I feel so cut off from Judaism in training. I was so relieved last week, when I found out that a Senior Consultant and Team Lead actually knew somewhat about the holiday. I got into a discussion about Jewish Synagogues in St. Louis. I was pretty excited. I usually find myself explaining to people what Yom Kippur is. Sometimes I even find myself explaining to people what Judaism is in terms of religions. I get really depressed sometimes at the ignorance of people around me. They think that Christianity is the only religion. I am sorry if I get angry, because this is a holiday of atonement for your sins and forgiveness. I really want to try and promote religious tolerance in the world. Sometimes I get discouraged and think that my long term goal is too much for one person to take on. Then I realize that every little bit counts. I really should not stop and sit on this one. I actually get really passionate about trying to promote religious tolerance. I have a million ideas. I love it. I wish that I could pursue my dream more, but I am not really sure how I would go about doing so. I guess that I should work more with the Interfaith groups of St. Louis. I'm kind of excited to go back home. I have a million things I want to do there and so little time to do them in. Here I just feel meh. I am glad that next Wednesday I get to leave here. 15 weeks is enough for one lifetime. Shanah Tova Tikatavu V'Tikatamu. Have a safe and happy new year to all you Jews out there. Everyone else have a safe and happy time.