So I am watching The Pallbearer for the second or third time and I am sitting here thinking about Julie Demarco aka Gwyneth Paltrow's Character. So Tom ends up with Julie in the end. Every freaken romantic comedy though the guy gets the girl in the end. It makes me wonder where they derive such bs stories about love. Granted I had a glass of kosher whine to fuel this rant, but seriously me being a cynic it makes me wonder. I guess I am on the depressive rant as usual. I just don't understand how anything can work out right now. I am cynical about the most basic stuff. I mean I try to think about my past relationship and I realize that I was neglected a lot. I don't get why I stayed with him now. For so long...What was wrong with me? I don't think I can get any guy, but I have look at it this way. There are a million guys who would probably love to be with me. Josh could be one of them, but yeah what the hell seriously. It's just so weird. I don't even know what I am typing. I am kind of buzzed. Anyway I am going to stop typing, because I am not quite so lucid.