A Disquiet Follows My Soul a.k.a. the one that made the A/R shippers go into a collection swoon.
Quick and random thoughts:
** I knew something was up when they showed Mary Laura's cleavage, and later on let her run around in a slim fitting yoga pants and hoodie tracksuit.
** Interesting how both Roslin and Adama have kind of given up. Both of the fleet's parents are "old and tired". Makes me wonder/think of the fan fic premise of Apollo and Starbuck as the new regime running things. That is, unless everything goes boom at the end. (DON'T SPOIL ME!)
** Wondered where Kara was until we got (thank goodness) a whole 3 minutes. A little bit of snarky Starbuck is back!
** I will forever and always miss Pilot!Lee. The suits do nothing for the Bamceps. In fact, it makes me wonder if they are in there at all. I think it's high time for the little teeny towel of destiny to come out. Oh, and the hair.
** The whole Tyrol-isn't-really-Nicky's-father seemed very soap opera-ish to me. Like when they retcon a character out of the blue in order to force make a plot point. Hot Dog's a dad! (So much for the Hot Dog/Kat or Hot Dog/Racetrack fics LOL And Cally was a lying ho.
** Tigh seems to have jumped into a relationship with Six. They were holding hands. Like wow. This is Caprica!Six. As in the one who set Gaius up. One of thise directly instrumental in killing 50 billion people. The one who had mercy on that baby in the marketplace and snapped its neck. She is going to have her own baby, and with Tigh, who is still trying desperately to be the correct and proper Executive Officer of the ship. I am really wondering how/when we are going to see Ellen get thrown into this mix. (DON'T SPOIL ME!)
** I missed Zarek, and I wish we could have seen more of himlast season, but yeah, there's only so many minutes to go around, and there's already a pretty big cast. I miss him, but I really would prefer not to sit through another round of BSG human civil war with only 8 hours left of the show. We've done that already. OTOH, if it solidifies the fleet's decision on whether or not to align with the cylons, then fine.
** So now we have a civil war within the cylons,a nd a civil war wihtin the humans? Fun times.
** Do we have to see so much of Adama brushing his teeth? We've also done that in past episodes. Adama standing there with toothpaste mouth really isnt pretty.
** I miss Pilots!
I know, there's like 8 hours to go, and while this episode wasn't bad, it just seemed a little disjointed in my book. It was all setup and designed to advance the plots quickly. I know last week's episode was darker, but I just enjoyed the way the stories were told/presented better. I'm feeling kind of meh about it, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the flist has to say.
Only 8 hours left. :(