Who knew anyone could make redneck look so hot? I bet you'd look sexy even sittin' on the back porch eatin' frogs legs. Especially if you do it in one of your corsets. Seriously, you're crazy skilled with the sewing machine and you look amazing in everything you make. Let me eat your bones and absorb your powerrrrrrrrr. :3
Even tho way back in the day our acquaintance got off to a somewhat rocky start, I can honestly and sincerely say I'm glad we got over that and became friends! You are probably the best seamstress I know; I still fantasize about your Hina suit. Srsly. Everything you make is beautiful and you look beautiful in everything you make. I hope we get a chance to judge a masquerade again together some day! <3<3<3
Haha yeah there were some internet shenanigans going on XD
Daww thanks X3 I loved you the moment my eyes fell upon your Ener costume lol And then I met you and Kim and you were the most awesome of awesome people ever!
First of all, I gotta say, I always enjoy hanging wit you even if it's just brief time at cons. You're an awesome person and a fantastic costumer and hot as hell. I'm super psyched about cosplaying with you in Chas' Starry*Sky group this year and I know we'll rock the house. Aw yeah.
I hope I get the chance to get to know you better this year! <3
I owe you a much longer declaration of love in a 'hey the holidays happened and thanks to people for holiday stuff!' post which I have yet to put up because I am a horrible lazy mo-fo.
That aside, you are a supremely awesome person. You're an amazing writer and cosplayer and fun to be around! It's a big fat crying shame that there is so much USA between us, because I want more fun tiems with you and yours. D:
Also, I haven't forgotten your commission. It will be done before the end of the month. XD I'm on break from school so there's no excuses!! ::beats self into shape::
I love you even though it took me so long to make this comment. I admire a million things about you. I love talking philosophy with you; you're hella fuckin' smart and I hope you find someone who deserves you because you've have some rough knocks in the past and you are way too awesome for that.
You have fantastic tits and yet you also make one of the cutest boys I know.
Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, I still feel like I can tell you anything.
One day I wanna wrestle with you again. And yes, I will cheat. I can't help it.
Comments 30
Daww thanks X3 I loved you the moment my eyes fell upon your Ener costume lol And then I met you and Kim and you were the most awesome of awesome people ever!
I hope I get the chance to get to know you better this year! <3
That aside, you are a supremely awesome person. You're an amazing writer and cosplayer and fun to be around! It's a big fat crying shame that there is so much USA between us, because I want more fun tiems with you and yours. D:
Also, I haven't forgotten your commission. It will be done before the end of the month. XD I'm on break from school so there's no excuses!! ::beats self into shape::
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You have fantastic tits and yet you also make one of the cutest boys I know.
Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, I still feel like I can tell you anything.
One day I wanna wrestle with you again. And yes, I will cheat. I can't help it.
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