I found that previous entry in my drafts unposted and remembered that when I was writing it my phone just randomly restarted.
Anyway my mood hasn’t changed much since then. I’m exhausted and frustrated. Most of my professors are terrible this semester which makes way more of a difference than it should in my ability to do well in the class. My physics II professor is so awful that he actually knows he’s useless, so he grades exams so that everyone that writes an answer down automatically gets a 75 regardless of how wrong they are. The last exam I got 5/6 questions wrong and got an 81. It’s so annoying because I actually like physics, but both semesters I’ve had terrible teachers and have had to rely on teaching myself, and hope that their test questions resemble the practice problems I’ve done from the book (they never do). My organic chemistry II professor is also awful. She has this catch phrase, “you need to know mean you need to know.” Because she doesn’t teach anything, just runs through the chapter telling us everything we need to learn. All of her material is stuff she’s gotten online from other schools, and she won’t answer questions in class. My environmental professor is this guy in waders that just wants to be out on his boat doing his research, and he seriously has no idea what he’s going to lecture on when he walks in. We’re supposed to be learning about climate change but it’s turning out to be mostly organic evolution. I have a huge exam for his class tomorrow and I had no idea what to study because he won’t make us a study guide, we don’t have a text book, and his lectures are mostly just him showing us videos and pictures from the internet that he thinks are interesting. My orgo lab professor has never taught before and just finished his doctorate and insists that our lab reports be publication ready. He thought the current report template wasn’t detailed enough so he decided halfway through the semester he wants us to use a new template requiring significant research and chemsketch software. It’s all just awful.
My only shining light is Dr. Ashour. My immunology professor that was also my cell bio professor last semester. He is funny, and organized and knows how to streamline and direct the material we’re studying. He’s a dream boat that has already told me he’ll write me a letter of recommendation and supervise an internship.
To summarize, it’s midterms week and I’m ready to quit and commit a crime bad enough to get me into a minimum security prison where I won’t have to pay bills and can just sleep and read and work out.