brake .

May 03, 2004 23:07

so today the photo show was judged . none of my photos won . i was bummed . which i'm course everyone was . blah . but i was bummed . but i'm over it . wtfever .

so i was gonna update about sunday . but just to warn you people with squeamish tummies .
the hill going down lincoln from raley's to like foresthill market, well there are accidents there alll the time it's crazy . so sunday i was asleep until like 11:30 'cause i was up until 5am saturday night . so i got the story from my dad . at the freeway exit, the lincoln way exit by the 2 gas stations some lady was getting off the freeway and most people just look up the hill and see no cars and go, but there is a dip so you can't see cars sometimes . and so these two bicyclists were coming down the hill and they both smash right into the side of this car . i think it was a mini van . and so one guys face hit the window . and i guess the window was down a little and so from his nose down, he hit it and his jaw went through the window and shattered it and basically tore off that bottom part of his face . so my dad is driving by and he sees it all after it happened and he said there were at least 15 people just standing there not even looking at the guys on the ground . so he pulls over and since nothing was goin' on he didn't grab his gloves he usually carries . so he looks at this guy and his face is torn off and he said he was breathing heavy and he's just choking on blood and his ribs are broken and so my dad goes over and tilts his head so the guy doesn't choke and he spots some dude running with a cell phone into the gas station since i guess it takes days for 911 to get through on cell phones [ which is really stupid ] and so my dad yells at the guy and he's like "are you talking to a dispatcher?" and the guys says yes and my dad tells him to tell them they need an air ambulance asap . so the guy tells him and them they asked him if he was an EMT and he says "i'm an ex-EMT we need an air ambulance now or this guy isn't gonna make it" and so my dad is just sitting there with this guy [ the other dude was alright but he had broken bones and stuff ] and so the ambulance gets there and they try at least 3 times to get an airway down his throat but they can't even tell what's his throat . and all that's coming up is blood so the paramedic said "get him in and let's go" so they took him to calstar and i guess they didn't life flight him but they headed to roseville "code 3" is what my dad said . we know a guy that works at calstar - eric sprouse, babysit his kids sometimes - and so my dad called him later on in the night and eric said they found the rest of his face in the car and stuff and they took him straight to surgery and eric says he was gonna make it . my dad said he thought he was gonna die any second but apparently he'll make it alive .

my dad's seen alot of stuff throughout his life being an EMT and volunteer firefighter and he seemed so disturbed almost by what he saw on sunday . he was sad all day until he talked to eric . sometimes i feel so lucky to have him as my dad . to know if anything ever happened to me he had the skills to do it and help me . and also for having the courage to help others in need . he's my hero . literally . so that was crazy . tomorrow i have to go into biology and take my in class essay . i have SO MUCH to do it's not even funny . this week is my goal to complete EVERYTHING . i'm going to san francisco/berkeley with my mom on friday or saturday since my dad and brothers have a father son campout . should be fun . money money money . anyway . that's all i feel like updating . oh and check out my website .

[ lazy ]
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