9. Take him by the teeth, get him down on his knees

Aug 10, 2009 03:01

[public - voice]

Ho now, a liddle contest! Now dots got to be fon, iffen hyu doezn't mind me sayink zo, capteen.

Ahh, I've made zo many ov my dreams kome true zo far, I haff to be figuring vhat is left for me to do!

[voice - private to Hiyori]How iz hyu holdink oop, gorlie? Hyu need anyting like a liddle draught for de pain or zumtink? Jusht ( Read more... )

one-woman-rumor-mill, going to top someone into it, whose side is she on?, afraid yet?, checking in with the troops, the scary medic not the cute one, what's all this then?, got jagers?

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Comments 18

[voice | private to Gkika] causink_trouble August 10 2009, 16:44:08 UTC
Iz n-

*thinks better of saying that*


*stifled laugh*



[voice | private to Gkika] jaegermamma August 10 2009, 23:59:39 UTC

[She voices her knowing smile.]

I knew I kould trust hyu to listen to Mamma.


[voice | private to Gkika] causink_trouble August 11 2009, 00:17:51 UTC
I tink ve'z out ov leetle gurls, unless hyu counts de captain.
Or Penelo, I suppoze. Pfft.

*malicious chuckle* Zo, anyvun in particular hyu'd like az hyu next patient?


[voice | private to Jenka] jaegermamma August 12 2009, 07:31:22 UTC
I dunno Jenka, I haff a feelink de capteen kould do a fair amount ov damage too. Und Penelo is a zappy-zappy mage. Dun hyu go messink vit her unless hyu really vants to be nice und crispy for hyu next talkink too.

Whoever hyu iz tinkink most interestink for ol' Mamma, here in her infeermary.


[voice] theschmotone August 10 2009, 17:02:14 UTC
Anyting ve can pick op for hyu in Mechanicsburg vhile ve's dere, Mamma? Ve's going to get Maxim a new hand und find Ognian, und if ve can do anyting to help out, just zay de vord.


[voice] jaegermamma August 11 2009, 00:02:10 UTC
Nah, I iz goot. Hyu remember to bring back any messages from de pipple dere, yah?

Und dun get into too much trouble vitout Mamma dere to keep an eye on hyu, yah?


[Voice // Private to Mamma Gkika] fanged_brat August 10 2009, 18:17:48 UTC
[grudging tone]

... A painkiller might be good. It's... still kinda hurting.

[long pause]

I ain't got a boy! What're you talkin' about!?


[Voice // Private to Hiyori] jaegermamma August 11 2009, 00:03:47 UTC
Alright den, I haz zum dot vill be real goot. I'll bring eet down.

Hyu liddle friend, de vun who vas at de infeermary after hyu vas hurt? Sheenji, I tink his name iz. He'z verra nice. A goot friend.


[Voice // Private to Mamma] fanged_brat August 11 2009, 14:08:06 UTC
Thanks. I didn't expect t'get so injured. Jenka was better'n I thought.



He's still not my 'boy'. S'really more like a pet.


A pet with really bad hair.


[Voice // Private to Hiyori] jaegermamma August 12 2009, 07:29:19 UTC
Jenka haz a habit ov keepink her real strength hidden until she needz ov eet. A useful techneeque, vhen facink hyu enemies, to be shore. But vhen eet iz hyu crewmates, vell, dot's anodder story.

Ah, vell, hyu pet dot iz a boy den. De hair, ah, iz not zo bad. Nottink a goot haircut cannot fix right oop.


[Voice] penny_dancer August 10 2009, 20:49:07 UTC
Maybe we can have a mutual dream and remodel our cabins or the infirmary, Mamma. *laughs*


[Voice] jaegermamma August 11 2009, 00:04:50 UTC
Vell, Mamma took de libeerty ov doink oop her own cabeen vhen she gotz on board for real, but hyu cabeen und de infeermary, doez I tink ve kould haff a liddle fon vit!


[Voice] penny_dancer August 11 2009, 00:06:57 UTC
Define 'fun', Mamma.


[Voice] jaegermamma August 12 2009, 07:27:15 UTC
Ho now, Penny, doez hyu really trust Mamma zo liddle vhen eet komes to matters ov de infeermary?

Or de bedroom?


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